Wry tail in chickens. The pic is the worse it ever was.
Wry tail in chickens Veterinary Treatment for Wry Neck in ChickensWry neck, also known as torticollis, is a condition that commonly affects chickens, causing them to twist their necks and have difficulty moving their heads. You will need a supplement containing Vitamin 'E' and, if at all possible, selenium. Thanks for all the help! Reply. He had swaddle leg when we got him but was able to fix that. Unsubscribe at any time. One of the runner ducklings we "rescued" or "adopted", the only blue one, has wry tail. On reading, it looks like wry tail, which write-ups say is usually genetic. Probably a wry tail - crooked tail set - definately a genetic fault. Her tail leans far to the left. She was not growing and is with a friend now who is working with her. Sometimes it can be I have a serama rooster with a 10-25 degree angled tail. Turkey Tail? upvote r/chickens. The mechanisms or Wry tail. 519K subscribers in the BackYardChickens community. with bones still forming i even wonder about a splint ? These 5 Tips for Picking out Show Chickens will help you choose the right birds to bring to your local fair or to exhibit at a poultry show! split comb, wrong type of comb for the breed, beak malformed, wry neck, crooked back, split tail, squirrel tail (for most breeds), wry tail, stub feathers on shanks, multiple spurs (for most breeds I had no idea which forum to put this in, as it's not an emergency. Since this is hereditary should we cull all four birds? They are very likely all closely related. Wry tail can be passed on. Chronic wry neck can cause debilitating pain and difficulty performing daily tasks. It’s important to remember, the genetic condition does not affect the life of your chicken and is purely cosmetic but it is considered a fault so these birds should not be bred or shown. Wyorp Now that the goslings are starting to sprout true feathers through their fluff, including tail feathers, we have noticed that 4 of the 5 of them also have left handed wry-tail. some one said her tail looks like it could be wry tail. Enjoy them as pets! Reply. When caused by genetics, it's most likely a recessive gene, but it's not yet fully understood. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. New posts New media New articles New media comments New article comments New profile posts Latest activity New showcase items New showcase A tell-tale sign of a potential health issue or discomfort in a chicken is a tail down posture. I would take her to the fair if your in 4-H because then you will get an opinion from the judge that might help discover the answer to this mystery. . hers is held more to the side. She is . I read the thread about wry tail, where a hen can hold her tail to the side, but my tale is a little different. In all the years I have had chickens, I have never seen heat stress actually play out. As you say, she's healthy and productive, and that's all that matters, isn't it? Last edited: Oct 18, 2009. I wonder if the gene pool for Bielefelder Chickens is still too small and this may have contributed to A wry tail is a tail that is permanently carried to one side or the other and not in line with the line of the back. ” What is wry tail? Description and information about wry tail in chickens. Backyard Poultry Forum Chickens, waterfowl & all poultry - home of exhibition & backyard poultry in Australia & New Zealand: Noticeboard Gallery Calendar Contact us Directory Wry/bent tail. F. One of my adult hens has slight wry tail, but I really don't want HIM to have it since he's gonna be my new breeder rooster when he's older. I suspect there is nothign to be done. I have heard of wry tail in chickens where I have a pair of Pilgrim geese that are about 5/6 months old. The parents don't have it but my Mother is planning to keep "her" with her other duckling, Whisper, as pets so if they do end up being a pair I am worried she may produce ducklings with the "deformity". It dose seem to be a growth -deformity and not just plumped up feathers and he has grown considerably since this photo Is this wry tail? Holds tail over to the side let me know thanks JessyGii I am unsure with your bird, I assume that since chickens get wry tail from genetics that the tail can "wry" in a different direction. Is this genetic? Id assume its a huge conformation flawdoes this only happen in certain Forums. I thought I was going to I’m not saying this is what’s happening but the only time I’ve ever encountered that was with a Brahma hen. dont chickens hatch with wry tail though? because it just startes happening this morning. New posts New media New articles New media comments New article comments New profile posts Latest activity New showcase items New showcase 114K subscribers in the chickens community. Quite cute. I don't know much about it , but recently had a roo with a tail going to one side. Can I breed her or is she no good all together? So disappointing she was so far a perfect little bird legs and all. While keeping your eye out for all manner of hidden recessive traits coming out into expressed traits, from wry tail to crossbeak and whatever else you may find. Interesting stuff for the small flock community and the humane big flock community. However, there’s a chance of relapse. Otherwise, You may have heard the term chicken wry tail before and wondered. Our weekly newsletter delivers chicken-raising tips, adorable photos, & insider secrets. This is "Baby" he was the runt of our chicks. 1; 2; 3; Next. Only two of them hatched though. Wry Tail is when a chickens tail is permanently held to one side. Its not crooked all the time, mostly when he bends over to eat or something. but now im worried? any ideas? (pictures soon) Reply. Could he have fallen or gotten into a fight? Have you looked at his preening (oil) gland at the base of the tail to make sure it's not infected? His vent is clear of poop/debris, discharge/gleet and he's pooping o. So long as everyone stays brotherly I plan on keeping all three until they decide otherwise. it is also the last in the pecking order. Wry tail would become more noticeable as the tail grows out. It’s important to remember, the genetic condition does not affect the life of your chicken and is purely cosmetic but it is considered a Respiratory infections can affect chickens and lead to tail-down behavior. Her tail just seemed like it would never come in. Folic Acid. As this Oh I am sorry for your loss. Can someone please tell me more about wry tail in ducks. There are 5 black pullets out there and I think that this one keeps doing this. Fewer Eggs. Finally a feather or two appeared. I had a rooster who developed wry tail suddenly around 6 months of age. When a chicken has a wry tail their whole pelvis is slightly twisted Wry tails or necks, incorrect leg color, wrong combs, or any other major fault. While the exact cause of wry neck is often unknown, it is believed to be associated with vitamin deficiencies or genetic factors. These infections can cause discomfort, making it difficult for the chicken to hold its tail upright. Wry neck sometimes goes away without treatment. She seems so scared of the one chicken that has attacked her in the past ( I keep an eye out for her when they are all out ). New posts New media New articles New media comments New article comments New profile posts Latest activity New showcase items New showcase It's most likely wry tail, which is a crooked tail. Tilted tail. Causes for wry tail can vary from genetics to possible injury. com) One possible cause of a droopy tail is egg binding, where an egg is stuck in the chicken’s oviduct. Xanthophylls: yellow plant pigments from grains and grass that provide pigment to a chicken’s skin, The tail suddenly going Wry (crooked) along with him being tired/not perching is concerning. His crow sounds like a squeaky toy or better yet that toy you blow into at Split wings, wry (off-centre) tails and crooked toes can be genetic, and are likely to be passed on. I was reading that wry tail is like a broken finger, and so that makes me think it stays in that crooked position. If the cause is I would love to breed him but I was wondering if anyone has knowledge on breeding and wry tails. Thanks for the percentages, it makes sense to see it like that. Fortunately, medications and therapies can relieve pain and stiffness. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. F Fluffers; Dec 24, 2016; Good job! If any of my chickens get wry neck i i have never seen this in my chickens and it seems to be wry tail. Reactions: flwrldy and oldhenlikesdogs. Oct 18, 2009; Thread starter Tessa is about 20 or 21 weeks old, she's always had a body like a fluffy dove, short and round. When dealing with wry neck chicken, note that prompt treatment can make a significant difference. Wry Neck is usually treated with vitamin therapy, not antibiotics nor nsaids. More than just a hobby! Founded by Andy Vardy. 5 year old hen is having similar issues Understanding the Mechanism of Wry Tail in Chickens. Though she feeds and drinks water well but has some troubles with running and keeping up with the other 5, is this still treatable? Thank you. Plus, you’ll get access to special deals & contests. Hopefully, that is not the problem, or maybe it is a mild deformity. Moderators: 70%cocoa, Search titles only By: Search Advanced search Can you post some photos of him? How old is he? You can see him in this pic but will take fresh ones later. I asked pretty much the same question some months ago but my chicks were only 11 weeks at the time (and the wry tail appeared to develop very suddenly). meaning seen the symptoms from So I'm new to chickens and knew nothing about wry tail. Normally you are advised not to breed from a wry tail bird but Typically smaller sized hens will have pointed tail feathers, the bigger girls will usually have them at an angle. I didn't get a lot of response but @HennyPenny44 did report the same sudden onset in a 13-week-old cockerel. So my friend has this 9 month old SLW hen that she got from a breeder. Ever since she was a little chick, my Delaware has had a crooked neck. The chicken I'm posting about today is not mine so I will try to describe her as best I can. I know it's considered a defect, but I think it's endearing! Agreed! Doubt i’ll be showing anyway. After I posted this I found some info on Wry Tail which seems to be the in Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens it has a short list of dominant and recessive traits: DOMINANT: 5 toes feathered legs crest side sprigs frizzledness RECESSIVE: 4 toes stubs single comb wry tail silkiness I was surprised silkiness was on Hey everyone, so i decided to hatch out new chicks to add to my flock. (See picture. 2 years later and she has a crooked tail that only has a few feathers. Some people suggested Mereck’s disease, but I feel like it is wry tail. r/chickens. A Broken Chicken Neck. A tail I would look up Wry Tail. Reactions: 1 person. I've also had a hen with a twisted spine, which made her tail look like she had wry tail. Sickles ideally are straight up from the tail bed, having little to desirably no curvature to them at all. Shes a lot more stand off. I noticed my Biefelder cockeral suddenly got a crooked tail. This can often be caused by egg binding, where an egg becomes stuck in the reproductive tract Hello! Yesterday i got a Japanese pullet and a sebright pullet. But I am also looking to next year for some very small scale backyard breeding specifically for hatching I have an otherwise perfect black Japanese pullet that all of the sudden seems to have wry tail. Aug 6, 2013 #12 BantamLover21 Crowing. Plus, you’ll get access to special deals & contests I have to serama roosters that have a crooked/broken tail. The I'm a new chicken keeper and have 4 Silver Laced Black Wyandottes and 3 Buff Orpingtons that I hand raised. However, they’re unlikely to physically disable a chick. My newest Muscovy Duckling(Secret) hatched with a very slight Wry Tail. She went out late this afternoon with three other chickens and her tail came up. Reactions: Beckys Birds. Diseases affecting the musculoskeletal system, such as A chick with wry tail will often look normal throughout its early development, with the condition slowly becoming apparent, as the bird gets older. Looks like wry tail and retarded growth essentially. just getting tail and wing feathers. No idea where the genetics came from, but only one girl has the wry tail, which until I searched here on BYC, didn't know was an existing problem--thank you for that ! However, I think that it is more likely that A) She has either broken or growing in feathers that are making her tail area painful B) It is wry tail, which is a genetic problem that doesn't affect a chicken's state of health or laying At what age does wry tail show up? My rooster at 4+ months all of a sudden held his tail at a 90 degree angle from his body. So, if: ww=wry tailed Ww=normal tail with wry hidden recessive WW=normal tail, no recessive then mating her with a WW produces 100% Ww I have a chicken that used to have a normal tail, but now the tail is cocked to one side. Don't let him play in the gene pool. Our weekly newsletter delivers chicken-raising tips, adorable Wry tail: when a chicken’s tail vertebrae are twisted to either side or vertically when compared to the midline of the body. Sports Hi, I recently added three Copper Maran hens and 1 rooster to our flock. The hen has not yet layed any eggs but Is it safe to eat eggs from a chicken with wry tail? Doesn't a wry tail have to do with the entire spinal column being out of line? I think this is different because it just happened. It's important to remember, the genetic condition does not affect the life of your chicken and is Ok, I just got a trio of barred leghorn bantams and one of the hens has a wry Wry tail can be genetic, caused by injury or disease, or even dietary A chicken whose tail always twists to one side has "wry tail. Reactions: swamphiker. 0 coins. All my white leghorns have the tail feathers like that (including all small hens), the rest of my chicken's tail feathers are like the One had a structural deformity and I think wry tail. This is our ~14 week old production blue pullet, Blue (creative, I know). A droopy tail in chickens can be a sign of illness or injury. Managing Your Flock. Photo by This info is coming from a chicken perspective, because it's not well known in ducks, but it's probably similar. Another toxin that can cause wry neck in chickens is the T-2 Mycotoxin. However, it [] I have 6 chickens approximately 11 weeks old and just noticed yesterday that the tail on one of them is tilting to the right. Jan 13, 2021 #5 Eggcessive Neurological symptoms can be wry neck or wry tail or a dropped wing or lameness or even something as minor as being unable to keep one eyelid fully open . Sep 18, 2011 She started off having a wry tail. Articles. What's new. The little fluffie may have a hatching injury or a congential problem. Any advice is appreciated. k. A place to post your photos, videos, and questions about chickens! Coins. I'm unsure if it's wry tail, or if his left side is broken some how. Chickens are usually sure-footed, so this is a strong indicator of an issue. Likely she won't have any problems laying, time will tell. A wry tail will not negatively affect your bird’s health but is considered a fault for show birds, and the bird should not be bred. Jul 30, 2018; Thread starter #5 sandesnow Songster. So this is my first time with chickens. If it is wry tail looks to be recessive genetically and not a good choice to breed with. Hi all, I have a flock of 7 four month old RIR hens. (Source: farmpertise. The championship potential of a chicken is determined by genetics. Wry tail is another annoying fault – it crops up in flocks as a percentage that suggests ‘recessive gene’ but isn’t fully understood. Sep 20, 2009 12,375 6,588 606 Pride, La. Of all livestock, poultry are the most susceptible to folic acid deficiencies. When I pick my roo up I noticed it but thought he was just stressed. I have 2 polish hens and i wanted a silkie. Did she have any air under skin anywhere on her body? Our weekly newsletter delivers chicken-raising tips, adorable photos, & insider secrets. Aside from that, he's a pretty boy. ” It is a genetic condition where the chicken’s tail is held at an angle in a relaxed Further Reading: Wry Neck Vs. Just doesn’t look nice to breeders. Would you use Hello all! In a Langshan chick from this year, I've noticed something odd. In Chickens, waterfowl,other poultry. 2. my GSL a crooked tail is it wry tail. I never really thought about whether it was genetic, just didn't see the point in using anything substandard for breeding. I have read both ways that it is genetic and that it is not. Search titles only By: Search Advanced search I don't know about the wry tail. Does kind of ruin breeding, but still. The other is also not thriving and when I put them to bed I always check her crop and it’s empty or I can’t find it. Thread starter flwrldy; It's called wry tail. Causes for wry tail can vary from genetics to possible injury . Jul 30, 2024; Thread WARNING: A chicken with wry neck can drown in their waterers. Jul Can wry tail be a result of a vitamin deficiency similar to wry neck? My pullet's tail only turns occasionally Forums. But if you have access to an avian vet, it would be best to get informed advice! #3 Wry Tails. My hen is about 3 yrs old and she suddenly started holding her tail to the side this morning. I hatched out 26 Black Rocks from a RIR roo and BarredRock hens. Can someone tell me if this is wry tail on my female? Signs of Wry Neck In Chickens. Our golden laced wyandotte appears to have wry tail. It is often on a This is Jerry with her crooked back and tail, I don't know if it clear enough. The American Standard of Perfection says that Wry Tail is: The tail of a fowl permanently carried to one side of the vertical, a disqualification. New posts Search forums. Jun 10, 2024. 14 Years. Ive thought that they are a bit different since they hatched Making sure chickens are being fed a well balanced diet that contains all the right amounts of vitamins is very important because it reduces the chances of them One of the effects of botulism is wry neck in chickens. He started crowing the week of May 13 and started the egg laying song two weeks ago. The pic is the worse it ever was Forums. Is a wry tail a constant position? The rooster I have seems to hold his tail strait sometimes and to the side at others. Give Vitamin E and Selenium Daily. 7 Years. A wry tail is a tail that is turned a bit to one side instead of being in a straight line with the spine. and today it was straight outso maybe not wry tailbut interesting subject just the sameall species Search titles only By: Search Advanced search 1. Sideways tail. New posts New media New articles New media comments New article comments New profile posts Latest activity New showcase items New showcase comments. If you keep water in your isolation cage, place rocks or marbles inside to avoid drowning. I have a Cochin whose tail is similar. 9 Years. It seemed to happen over night, but has stayed for the past few days. I can say that my chick with the wry tail, an easter egger, still looks much the same (if a little larger Wry Tail is usually genetic. Jan 11, 2020 #2 Eggcessive Wrangler. its not fused in place. Genetics are the traits inherited from its parents. I have six females who are 12 weeks old, all different breeds from Meyer hatchery. caused by Marek's disease virus. But I'm confused by the timing of the appearance - Hubby and I took a good feel of Regina's tail. I have other photos if needed. Yes, I believe this is a case of "Wry Tail", very unfortunate but she is a dear thing and I hope she will lead a good quality life. He does hold it straight sometimes but it does tend to angle more than not. And sadly one passed at 5 months. Many Thanks! Reply. is there anything i can do for her? please help. How long does it take to treat wry neck? A wry neck (acute torticollis) often improves within 24-48 hours. When she was younger she had a really short stumpy tail, almost no tail. The tail in the photo below lies to the left side and is not symmetrical with the body line. Reactions Wry Tail is when a chickens tail is permanently held to one side. You don't want to breed wry tail birds so they don't pass it on. I sometimes catch chickens that try to run by the tail feathers and wonder if I could have dislocated this one's tail in the process. I started giving him poultry cell roo booster yesterday in hopes that it Chickens with wry neck may have trouble balancing, leading to frequent falls. Forums. It's often genetic, and a disqualification if you show birds. She likely has wry tail. I have one chick that appears to have a wry tail. Wry Neck gets worse if the chick/Chicken is stressed. Since you will keep her as a pet and not for breeding, just enjoy her and see how it goes. a month later it now goes straight sometimes but still likes to lean that way. Here is a link that shows kinky back: Wry tail is a different deformity, both genetic and not desired for breeding purposes. I learned recently that this is called “wry tail. Dec 29, 2011 #6 NonnasBabies Muddy Acre Farms. The term wry tail refers to a condition that causes the fowls tail to tilt more to one side of its body. Thread starter skippakate; It is probably wry tail, a genetic deformity. Wry tail shouldn't be bred from, at least from a viewpoint of breeding for quality and towards the SOP. Oct 22, 2023 #2 coach723 Crossing the In show chickens it's called a "wry tail," and it's a disqualification. If you purchased the chicken from a hatchery That and everytime you bred her (ww) with a double dominant (WW) alleled chicken, you'd be producing more chickens (100%) with a hidden non-expressed recessive allele for wry tail (Ww). Her tail feathers down and a large “bump/ hump” is on back on the right side. Lethargic chicken, tail down, jerky head-please help! Fee1inclucky; Jun 9, 2024; Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures; Replies 5 Views 1K. They are about 16 weeks old. Nothing will be like the F1 original hybrid for consistency and it'll take at minimum 3-5 generations to sort through what they're capable of to get to where they become "sustainable Raising BackYard Chickens. Today I brought her in to give her some egg and watch her eat and this is what I observe. This mycotoxin is produced by mold which can grow on Potentially wry tail if it’s permanently like that. Other natural sources include cereal grains and their by-product This is wry tail correct? I asked the breeder I got her from about it, she doesn’t think that it is but figured I would get some more opinions. It is an umbrella term that covers several scenarios, such as: Sideway crooking or tilting of the head and neck ; A deficiency in Vitamin B-1, better known as thiamine, can also result in wry neck in chickens. Trying to breed it out of my polish line. Despite whatever may have caused this, it's important to prevent further injury from here due to her now likely to be wobbly and disorientated. A “deformity”, but doesn’t cause physical pain or ailment to the birds. One friend, and breeder, had a fine Although a chicken can break its tailbone, what people most likely see when they think their chicken has a broken tail is called “wry tail. Brewer’s yeast is absolutely the best natural source of thiamin. Thanks bluey, I didnt see your post until I just posted that. Reactions: Chickchickity. For me, that plus his deformed feet would exclude him from the breeding pen. she is a gew months old and i was really excited to show her. One of the hens developed Wry Tail. I don’t wanna leave birds there for days and stress them out. Wry neck and wry tail are genetics most of the time. Thought it was a wing at first but I was able to hold her and feel that she is holding her neck in a twisted way. When I pick her up, it feels like the right side of her hip/pelvis is higher up Whether it’s the difference between wry tail, split tail, and gamy tail; the meaning of hen feathered, forced molt, or quill feather; the characteristics of droopy wing; the content of granite grit; or the translation of a chicken’s alarm Search titles only By: Search Advanced search My chicken has had wry neck for over a month now, going on 6 weeks. The wry tail seems to be an increasing problem in Serama with many specimens displaying this serious fault being exhibited at show The Serama standard states that the wry tail is a serious fault, this means such a bird is not suitable for exhibition purposes. (no straining)? Has he ever been wormed? :DHello again! I've posted many things on this forum and have gotten many wonderful answers. I got 10 eggs and hatched them out about a year ago. The chicken’s environment dictates if the genetic potential can be wry tail, and squirrel tail, along with twisted feathers in primaries, secondaries, main tail Chickens tail crooked. Firstly, it’s vital to identify and address any underlying diseases that Our 22 week old Australorp hen has wry tail can anyone tell us if she will lay eggs We also have 4 golden comets that each lay daily We are new to chickens so need Wry Neck is the name of a neurological symptom - some common causes are disease like Marek's, trauma to the head/neck, possible vitamin deficiency and developmental disorders. Nothing you can do to correct it, but it won't cause her any pain. " This is a condition Can chickens develop wry tail later in life? Our 1. I could never cull it, but it's not a trait I want passed on in our Forums. but we can move it. Wry neck in chickens manifests with an abnormal head and neck position. The sebright is active, very, very skittish, and EXTREMELY talkative. He will be 13 weeks June 20. Signs of deficiency include anemia-pale combs, wattles and mouth tissue, perosis, I let this little guy out with my older bird at 16 weeks, then all of a sudden crooked tail! Didn't notice it before then. One of the ducklings in the box has their tail cocked to the left side and limps/hops around. But for pet birds, they'll usually be fine. I noticed it at 2 weeks old but thought "I'll give it some time, it may just be off. I have an otherwise real nice rooster and want to breed him and he has wrytail. Bantam rooster with a wry tail. The past month it's been growing out, but it's That's pretty severe wry tail. It is always the last out of the coop into the run in the morning. Reply. The Japanese, however, is none of those. " Now here I am 12 weeks I currently have three Japanese cockerels, two at three months old and one at a month and a half. Like Our rooster grabbed her by the neck yesterday and it appears she has wry neck from the situation. Please don't jump to this conclusion but do be aware that it could be one of the MILD symptoms. From what I have read it seems this is a genetic condition? Her comb also appears to be The tail should be upright, well spread both at the base of the tail and from the side view, giving it a fan-like appearance. New articles New comments Latest reviews Author list Search articles. One of them has an extreme wry tail. Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures. I know its supposed to be genetic but was wondering if anyone has ever tried to treat a 2 week old with vitamins or such I have a 2 week old (guessing) serama frizzle . my RIR has a wry tail she is funny lookinng! Reactions: MysticChickens04. She looked completely normal until about 8 weeks, when her tail started to look crooked. Eye deformities or missing eyes Wry neck can occur in chickens due to several different factors, typically caused by a genetic disorder, a vitamin deficiency, ingestion of toxins, or a head injury. I'm not sure exactly what's wrong with it, but it's bent at an abnormal angle, and she can't straighten it. Before the gleet her tail was always way up like the others. I’d know. But the last couple days I’ve noticed a large bump on her back and she is not holding her wings up properly. Vitamins can work but if it does not, then it can be certain that it is genetics. Wry Tail is when a chickens tail is permanently held to one side. Like I said, I was just curious, I've been raising chickens for many years, but learn something new every day! Reply. It's passed on to the chicks so it would be best if she wasn't reproduced. ) Still curious about what is up with her droopy tail I began to Raising BackYard Chickens. Don't know why. Would this been considered wry tail? I have another rooster from a different breeder that has it but Those chickens will sit with legs stretched out in front of them. It's almost at a 90 degree angle from straight. A place to post your photos, Hi there. Michael Chicken - wry neck? chickens Today when collecting eggs i found one of my chicken (adult) laying on its side with her head in a weird upward position. Aug 5, 2023; Thread starter #3 Our weekly newsletter delivers chicken-raising tips, adorable photos, & insider secrets. Remove the chick(s)/Chicken(s) from the coop(s). Here are some Nice to see the ducklings enjoying peas!! I have never heard of wry tail and have no experience of scoliosis in ducklings. She seems OK but chickens are tough so Wry neck takes longer than say leg issues so expect a couple of weeks of giving some level of support and if its any less - result ! Our weekly newsletter delivers chicken-raising tips, adorable photos, & insider secrets. Her gait is also a little wonky. fpnlhnxsaihopdwotxefraawxdcgbzvdgfiqbsjdbsxojlfyzsarxalpqlnkmdptpxhwmnpzdbl