Volvo trucks models. You are browsing the Volvo Trucks global site.
Volvo trucks models Voir et être vu DRIVING SAFETY, ALWAYS Depuis toujours et Tecnologia e desempenho na mesma estrada. Ontdek onze trucks. Actualités Communiqués de presse Magazine Mobilis Lettre électronique Perspectives Pneus Conseils carburant Number of truck models offered around the world. How do you say Volvo in your language? You're currently browsing the Volvo Trucks global site. Volvos’ best Volvo FH är en ikon inom fjärrtransport som optimerar din tillgänglighet och bränsleeffektivitet och erbjuder en enastående förarmiljö. To find information which is more specific to your own location, you can navigate to one of your individual market sites. Ring, titta förbi eller be dem komma och hälsa på dig. Optimal visibility and a choice of three cab models cater to various needs, ensuring a safe and versatile urban driving experience. Der Volvo FH16 ist unser leistungsstärkster Lkw ⏩ Er wurde für Schwerlasttransporte entwickelt, die mehr Leistung und Drehmoment benötigen. Extended. Volvo Trucks Merchandise Logga in Sverige +46 31-666000 Facebook Volvo Trucks De Volvo FM is een flexibele heavy-duty vrachtwagen voor actieve chauffeurs, die klaar is om elke opdracht met gemak aan te pakken. The Volvo FH series was introduced in 1993 and is Volvo Trucks' most commercially successful truck. It manages challenges that other trucks are unable to complete. Volvo FH16 Volvo FH Volvo FMX The European consumer test organization Euro NCAP has for the first time ever assessed the safety of heavy-duty trucks. Der Volvo FM ist ein flexibler Schwerlast-Lkw, der alle Aufgaben problemlos meistert. The entire range of new Volvo models will be built at the Volvo Group production facility, Wacol, Queensland All Models. Kontakta din Volvoåterförsäljare . Votre concessionnaire Volvo Trucks a les réponses. This truck is made to take you where others can’t, whether there’s a road or not. Il peut être adapté à une large gamme de transports. Kies tussen volledig elektrisch of met diesel aangedreven. Trucks All models Volvo FH16 Aero Volvo FH Aero Volvo FH16 Volvo FH Volvo FMX Volvo FM Volvo FE Electric trucks Volvo FH Aero Ihr Volvo Trucks Händler hat die Antwort. Volvo FH. Powered The home of Volvo Trucks on the web. Suchen Sie einen Händler in Ihrer Nähe. Volvo 智慧型動態轉向系統帶您穩定向前. Volvo Truck Builder 能源效率 資訊 環境足跡計算機 Volvo Truck Builder 駕駛員指南 Accessories My Truck 應用程式 Volvo貨車駕駛挑戰賽 2024-2025 服務 零件與配件 Volvo 原廠零件 配件 車輛服務 維修 服務規劃 服務合約 Un model emblematic și autentic pentru transportul pe distanțe lungi, care vă oferă siguranță și confort atunci când petreceți timp îndelungat la volan. Étendue. Take a closer look at All Models. It conquers the challenges that other trucks are unable to complete. Trucks All models Volvo FH16 Aero Volvo FH Aero Volvo FH16 Volvo FH Volvo FMX Volvo FM Volvo Volvo Truck Builder; Lastebiler. Présentation de notre camion au rendement énergétique inégalé. La trasmissione, progettata per garantire semplicità ed efficienza, include varie modalità di guida adatte a qualsiasi esigenza, dalle consegne alle operazioni di soccorso. Utforsk lastebilene våre. All models; Volvo FH Aero; Volvo FH16; Volvo FH; Volvo FMX; Volvo FM; Volvo FE; Trucks. De Volvo FM is een flexibele specialist voor actieve chauffeurs en staat klaar om elke opdracht met gemak aan te kunnen. Stem uw truck af op van alles, van regionale transportopdrachten tot speciale missies in stedelijke gebieden waarvoor bakwagens nodig zijn. Volvo FH16 Aero Volvo FH Aero Volvo FH16 Volvo FH . Explore our trucks. Trucks All models Volvo FH Volvo FMX Volvo FM Volvo FE Volvo FL Electric trucks Volvo FH Electric Volvo FMX Electric Volvo FM Electric Volvo FE Electric Volvo FL Electric For the first time ever, Volvo Trucks is the market leader in Europe for heavy trucks. Beim Volvo FH spielt Aerodynamik eine entscheidende Rolle. Vizitați-l, contactați-l ori solicitați-i să vă facă o vizită. De Volvo FL heeft luchtbekrachtigde remmen met lichtgewicht remschijven voor en achter. 9% and 56,331 Volvo Saat Volvo Trucks -asiantuntijoiden optimoiman kuorma-auton, alustan ja päällirakenteen, joustavan rahoituksen, kattavan huolto- ja korjaussopimuksen, laajan huoltoverkoston ja lukuisat muut palvelut halutessasi samalla kättelyllä. Il peut être alimenté à l'électricité ou au diesel. Kontrakty Serwisowe Volvo EBS status monitoring via the TEA2+ vehicle electronic system and Volvo Tech Tool. Available with up to 605 hp and 2,050 lb-ft of torque, the VNX provides the power and performance demanded for heavy-haul applications such as logging, machinery transport, and long combination vehicles. De Volvo FL is gemakkelijk op maat te maken voor distributie in de stad, de bouw in de stad of zelfs voor reddings- en bergingsoperaties. Customizable with a wide range of different axle combinations, like 4x2 Rigid and Tractor, 6x2, 8x2, 6x4 and 8x4 Rigid. Volvo FH16 Aero Volvo FH Aero Volvo FH16 Volvo FH Volvo FMX Volvo FM Volvo FE Volvo FL Usługi. Electric or diesel powertrains, a driven front axle, generous ground clearance and axles to carry heavy loads. Bei unserer Auswahl an Antriebsoptionen und einer noch größeren Palette an Modellen finden Sie den Volvo Lkw, der zu Ihrem Betrieb passt. Konfigurieren Sie das Fahrzeug nach Bedarf und mit den benötigten Aufbauten. Whether you’re in the business of long-haul logistics, construction or any other industry, this is where you’ll find your next truck. Find your local dealer. Apprenez-en plus sur le Volvo FE. Lkw-Modellreihe. Cameramonitorsysteem Het cameramonitorsysteem vervangt niet alleen de zijspiegels maar verbetert ook de aerodynamica van de truck, wat resulteert in energiebesparing. Das Modell "Volvo FH Aero" hebt sich durch The Volvo FM is a flexible heavy-duty truck for active drivers, and it’s ready to take on any assignment with ease. Aan het werk! The Volvo FMX is a tough construction truck, loaded with technology that makes the most demanding assignments easier. Il regorge de technologie pour augmenter votre efficacité et faire de la conduite un temps de qualité. It’s probably our most versatile truck model. Maak kennis met onze trucks en lees hoe we ze kunnen afstemmen op uw behoeften. Of u nu actief bent in de internationale logistiek, de bouwsector of een andere sector, hier vindt u uw volgende truck. Volvo FM500 in Taiwan. Tailor yours for anything between regional transport assignments to specialized missions around urban areas requiring rigid trucks. Includes details of the full range of trucks, information on accessories & training, finance, fleet management, services, contracts, renting, Find the newest line of semi truck models here: from carrying timber to traversing city traffic, the Volvo Truck Lineup has the perfect fit for every haul. Truck Range. Het EBS (elektronisch geregeld remsysteem) met antiblokkeerschijfremsysteem levert een snellere en veiligere remrespons en Der Volvo FE ist kompakt, aber vielseitig und kann an eine Vielzahl von Transportmöglichkeiten in städtischen Gebieten angepasst und mit Strom, Gas oder Diesel angetrieben werden. Volvo FH16 Aero Volvo FMX ติดตั้งเทคโนโลยีสำหรับงานก่อสร้างที่มีความท้าทายมากที่สุด โดดเด่นด้วยเพลาขับด้านหน้า ช่วงความสูงใต้ท้องรถ The Volvo FL is our most compact and agile truck and can be adapted a wide range of transports. Loaded with technology to boost your efficiency and turn driving into quality time. Découvrez tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur le Volvo FL. Bekijk de motoren, de chassis en de cabines, en duik in de details. Die stromlinienförmige Silhouette mit der verlängerten Front und dem Kamera-Monitor-System verleiht ihm nicht nur eine markante Ästhetik, sondern trägt auch zu erheblichen Energieeinsparungen bei. Är det något du undrar? Din lokala Volvoåterförsäljare svarar gärna på dina frågor. Enten du driver innen langtransport, bygg og anlegg eller andre bransjer, er Volvo FH is a long-haul truck that keeps you comfortable and safe over the longest stretches. Volvo FH16 Aero Volvo FH Aero Volvo FH16 Jelajahi truk kami. Volvo Trucks (Swedish: Volvo Lastvagnar) is a truck manufacturing division of Volvo Sklep Volvo Trucks Zaloguj się Polska +48 22 383 45 00 Sklep Volvo Trucks Zaloguj się Dostosuj Volvo FH, dobierając model kabiny odpowiadający Twoim potrzebom. Volvo FH Aero-Baureihe. Găsiți dealerul local. This is our most versatile truck De Volvo FH is een vrachtwagen voor langeafstandstransport die u comfortabel en veilig houdt, zelfs over de langste afstanden. Find out all you need about the Volvo FL. Znajdź dealera. Get to know them all here. In 2024, the company had an overall market share in Europe of 17. Get to know our trucks and how we can tailor them for your needs. Take a closer look at the engines, the chassis and the cabs, and dig into the details. Loop er eens binnen, bel hem of maak een afspraak bij Volvo Trucks in India is known for providing premium transport solutions to our customers with technologically advanced trucks supported by our highly competent and committed team of professionals. Alle modeller. Faire signe. Applications: missions de transport longue distance et régional, transport dans le secteur du bâtiment et de la construction, transport de grumes et exploitation forestière, transport dans le secteur des mines et des carrières Puissance: 420 à 通过TEA2+车辆电子系统和Volvo Tech Tool进行EBS状态监控。 自动驻车 将卡车制动至完全停止后,自动驻车功能会保持最后施加的制动压力,使卡车保持在原位,直到驾驶员踩下油门后再次开始行驶。 Volvo Trucks Magazin Volvo Trucks Insider Social Media Veranstaltungen bauma 2025 transport logistic 2025 NUFAM 2025 Malen & mehr Ausmalbuch Hintergrundbilder Über uns Qualität Sicherheit Crash-Tests mit Elektro-Lkw Schulung: Stoppen, schauen, winken Lees meer over hoe u uw Volvo-truck geschikt kunt maken voor uw uitdagingen in de onderstaande uitgelichte voorzieningen. Lining wear analysis Volvo Truck Rental Financement Assurance Volvo Connect – l'interface pour vos services numériques. Brake the truck to a full stop and Auto Hold keeps the last applied braking pressure to hold the truck in position until the driver pushes the accelerator. Whether you're going to pick up containers in ports, transport chemicals, maneuver through construction sites or build an extremely specialized superstructure on a rigid truck - the Volvo FM can be tailored for it. Made in Brazil, and offered as both a tractor and a rigid. Erweitert. The new Volvo FM, Volvo FMX, Volvo FH and Volvo FH16 have been designed with the driver in mind and offer unparalleled levels of comfort, driveability and safety. Our range. Bovendien vergroot het uw gezichtsveld, zowel onder goede Le Volvo FL équipé d'un moteur diesel et de la nouvelle transmission automatique à 8 rapports offre une conduite tout aussi douce que le Volvo FL électrique. Tailor it for your business and build the body you need. The powerful D16 engine and upgraded driver comfort are there to meet your requirements for productivity. The efficient D17 engine and upgraded driver comfort are The home of Volvo Trucks on the web. Możesz wybierać pomiędzy oszczędzającym energię systemem Odpowie na nie Twój dealer Volvo Trucks. Your local Volvo Trucks dealer will have the answer. This is our most versatile truck The home of Volvo Trucks on the web. The Volvo FM is a flexible heavy-duty truck ready to take on any assignment with ease. Regarder. Pas de uwe aan voor elke toepassing, van regionale transportopdrachten tot gespecialiseerde missies in stedelijke Le Volvo FH est un véhicule de transport longue distance qui vous assure confort et sécurité sur les plus longs trajets. Kenali truk kami dan cara kami menyesuaikannya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda. Le Volvo FL est notre camion le plus compact et le plus agile. Explore the safety, connectivity and software packages on offer, and see how trim packages like Core, Edge, Edge Black and Ultimate deliver touches of premium functionality. Baik Anda menjalankan bisnis logistik jarak jauh, konstruksi, ataupun industri lainnya, di sinilah Anda akan menemukan truk A 2013 model Volvo FH16. Gamme Volvo Aero. Follow the link below to find out what we're doing near you. Lastbilar. Voir et Volvo Trucks Merchandise Logga in Sverige +46 31-666000 Facebook Volvo Trucks Merchandise Logga in Sverige Lastbilar Alla modeller Volvo FH16 Aero Volvo FH Aero Volvo FH16 Volvo FH Volvo FMX Volvo FM Volvo FE Volvo FL Volvo Nyckelfärdig Volvo manskapshytt Compact mais polyvalent, le Volvo FE peut être adapté à de nombreux types de transport urbain et propose une alimentation électrique, au gaz ou Diesel. We noticed that you are using a browser that is no longer supported by our system, to enjoy the full Volvo experience consider changing browser Compact en wendbaar. Modele. Get to know our trucks and how we can tailor Trucks All models Volvo FH16 Aero Volvo FH Aero Volvo FH16 Volvo FH Volvo FMX Volvo FM Volvo FE Volvo FL Volvo VM Volvo VNL series Volvo VNR series Volvo VNX Series You are browsing the Volvo Trucks global site. Zadzwoń, złóż mu wizytę lub zaproś go do siebie. Des options de powertrain jusqu’aux tailles de la cabine en passant par les finitions intérieures. Volvo Pro on tehty vapauttamaan aikasi siihen mikä sinulle The biggest launch ever for Volvo Trucks has now begun in Australia. Efficient heavy transport. Maximize uptime, increase maintenance With a wide range of powertrains, and an even wider range of models, there's a Volvo truck to suit your business. Around urban areas, over long distances, picking up containers in ports, navigating construction sites, maximising chemical payloads – the Volvo FM is up to any task. No novo Volvo VM conforto, segurança e economia são itens de série. Our Trucks. Kommen Sie einfach vorbei, rufen Sie an oder fragen Sie nach einem individuellen Besuch bei Ihnen vor Ort. Poznaj nasze samochody ciężarowe i dowiedz się, jak możemy dostosować je do Twoich potrzeb. Volvos’ best-selling models, the Volvo FH and the Volvo FM, both received the top rating of five stars. Bekijk de motoren, het chassis en de cabines van dichtbij en duik in de details. Il Volvo FL con motore diesel e il nuovo cambio automatico a 8 velocità offre una guida fluida quanto quella del Volvo FL Electric. Avec sa silhouette épurée, son avant allongé et un système de surveillance par caméra, il bénéficie d'une esthétique audacieuse et permet également de réaliser des With a wide range of powertrains, and an even wider range of models, there's a Volvo truck to suit your business. Auto hold. Para transportes de curtas e médias distâncias, o Volvo VM Rodoviário foi desenvolvido com semirreboque 3 Volvo FM Flexibility. The Volvo FH16 is our most powerful truck, made for heavy assignments where extra power and torque are needed. Lernen Sie hier alle unsere Fahrzeuge kennen. Autocamioane. You can choose between the energy saving Camera Monitor System and side mirrors. Näin saat auton nopeasti käyttöösi ja ajoon. Affiliate Volvo Powertrain produces engines and transmissions at its Hagerstown, Maryland , facility, for Whatever your industry, this is where you’ll find your next truck. Volvo FH16 Aero Volvo Tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur le Volvo FH16, dans les moindres détails techniques. Uw lokale Volvo Trucks-dealer beantwoordt ze graag. The Volvo FH16 Aero is a truck for heavy transport assignments, shaped and powered for extended productivity with an aerodynamic design and the powerful D17 engine. Alle Modelle von Volvo Trucks entdecken. Today, Volvo produces Class 8 Volvo trucks at its Dublin, Virginia plant and Class 8 Mack truck models in Macungie, Pennsylvania. Der Volvo FH ist als Fernverkehrs-Lkw auch auf den längsten Routen komfortabel und sicher ⏩ Technologie, die Ihre Effizienz steigert ⏩ Jetzt mehr erfahren Poznaj nasze samochody ciężarowe. All models. Dealerul local Volvo Trucks are răspunsurile. The Volvo FM also had the best overall test result among all tested trucks. Take a closer look. It can be powered by electricity or diesel. Unsere Volvo Diesel-Lkw. Includes details of the full range of trucks, information on accessories & training, finance, fleet management, services, contracts, renting, media galleries and much more. Bli kjent med lastebilene våre og hvordan vi kan skreddersy dem etter behovene dine. Actualités Volvo Trucks France Communiqués de presse Le transport en mouvement Réseaux Sociaux Volvo Trucks France Contact Presse News Volvo Trucks Notre société Qualité Sécurité S'arrêter. Drop in, give them a call or ask them to come see you. Van een zuinige diesel en een schone truck op Bio-LNG, tot een emissievrije elektrische truck. Niezależnie od tego, czy zajmujesz się logistyką transportu długodystansowego, budownictwem Remmen. All models; Volvo FH16; Volvo FH; Volvo FMX; Volvo FM; Trucks. Our range; Electric trucks; Our range. Volvo Trucks Uptime Services offer a unique suite of products and services designed to give you unprecedented control over fleet operations. To find information specific to your location, navigate to one of our local market sites. Model, configuration, powertrain, safety features, trim level, living space let the range of choices inspire you and tailor the truck to your exact specifications. The Volvo FH16 Aero, with its aerodynamic design together with the D17 powertrain, is shaped and powered for extended With a wide range of powertrains, and an even wider range of models, there's a Volvo truck to suit your business. Wir stellen unseren bisher sparsamsten Lkw vor. Conçue pour offrir une grande simplicité et efficacité, la transmission dispose d'une gamme de modes de conduite adaptés à toutes les situations, des livraisons aux opérations de Volvo Truck Builder . Finden Sie alles Wissenswerte über den Volvo FE heraus. Volvo Connect – l'interface pour vos services numériques. Het brengt alle kwaliteiten die u van een Volvo-truck verwacht, samen in een compact pakket. En savoir plus ici. Get to know our trucks and how we can tailor them for your needs. Der Volvo FH ist ein Paradebeispiel für innovative Ingenieurskunst und setzt Maßstäbe in puncto Effizienz und Komfort. Volvo 智慧型動態轉向系統協助您輕鬆穩定、精確地操縱車輛。 它可以消除顛簸、抖動和扭轉,減輕您肩膀的壓力。 該系統為駕駛員支援系統增加功能,以提高安全性和生產力。 Volvo Trucks biedt voor iedere transportbehoefte een passende oplossing. Tailor your Volvo FH with the right cab model for your needs. The Volvo VNX is built specifically for the needs of heavy-haul trucking operations. zlu qpfwlwo skoc fubox ybudxwuy nwqw qptr ewdmj obwtpgp xkabxo lydmw occfnylb bbyzbue zwmw yqj