Hana cartridge break in. com and turntableneedles.
Hana cartridge break in Hana Umami Red Cartridge Page 2 Moreover, it succeeds in eliciting crisp detail without the slight hardness that can beset the performance of brighter, typically more brittle-sounding pick-ups. The EL has an oddball output voltage of 2mv which puts most preamps into fits because they are pigeon hole Carts need a bit of time to break-in - to loosen up the suspension, basically. Phono Stage Yamaha A-S801 KEF R300 Currently running my first-ever MC cartridge, the Hana ML (Just over 11-hours), and I'm looking for some advice as to how to approach loading. " - Michael FremerRead the full review at the Analog Planet's website. The Hana cartridge series has been meticulously developed to provide unparalleled musicality at affordable price points, enabling enthusiasts to allocate more of their budget towards acquiring their favorite vinyl records—a Tracking break in on my Hana EL - slowly approaching the magic 40-50 hour benchmark Sorry to resurrect this old thread. What can I expect to change in the sound, and what are the significant break in times when you started to notice the biggest changes? Comparison is to Zyx Untimate Airy, Dynavector TE Kaitora Rua and Hana SL-mk2. bdiament, Oct 15, 2010 #18. darkmatter Dark Gort of the Sith Staff. Just because of that fact alone we should treasure these records, these plastic marvels that reproduce music every bit as good as a CD player or a streamer but fell out of favour Multiple endless grooves of pink noise for cartridge break-in and other tracks for cartridge set-up! Phono cartridges usually need a running-in period to reach their full potential. Experiment with it a bit. I did not dislike the Rega Apheta 3 but is has Tracking break in on my Hana EL - slowly approaching the magic 40-50 hour benchmark How many hours does a SH take to break in ? The HANA-Umami Way. Three new Hana cartridges. I’m still in the break in period I was installing my Hana ML and managed to break two of the original cartridge clips that came with my tonearm. So try that if it's possible. To me, the Hana SL line of moving coil cartridges is in many ways nearly a giant killer. The Sutherland KC Vibe was a really good match for my low output Grado Master 2. These cartridges embody the culmination of over 50 years of expertise from the master cartridge maker, Masao Okada-san. Early December, I got my hands onto a Hana SL MC cartridge looking to get into the MC world. MC carts can be sensitive to break-in as they are usually of lower compliance so they are stiffer. 45 - 0. Printed in japan hana 華 1 9. The HANA-Umami Blue high-end moving coil cartridge combines the vision of Master cartridge designer Okada-san with the history of unique materials, I’m interested in feedback on the break in period of the Hana ML. Both cartridges are more resolving and have less tonal warmth than Hana’s previous top of the line, their ML/MH cartridges – also a top value choice at $1,200. The Hana EH high-output moving coil cartridge represents the best way to upgrade from “starter” MM cartridges that typically come packaged with most entry-level turntables. 5 10 4. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Products Reviews Contact “ The Hana Umami Blue brings that high end cartridge ‘wow’ factor at a stunning, attainable price. Well tempered record player and Sutherland PH3d phono pre, I have it on 61 DB gain and 300 loading. Was there more distortion than I thought there would be? On the other hand, break-in of cartridges, cables and other gear is something I find relatively easy to hear. I’ve counted 30 plus hours for the initial break-in. Break-in, what are you guys averaging? Im probably 40-50 hrs and it is getting better but still a little harsh at times. In fact, I said I'm going to do just that unless I get a solid recommendation or until the cartridge breaks in. Shibatas seem to be the toughest to get just right though, so I am hoping to get at least a reply or two from somebody who's had this cartridge for longer than a weekend. Steve Hoffman Music Forums. com). Location: The East Coast of England. Around 25 hours now and the sound continues to improve. Break in can improve things but not by leaps and bounds. Share Sort by: Best. Up to this point I have been playing and listening to a mix of classical orchestral Thankpu forpurchasingthis HANAMH orML (high or lowoutput) MovingCoil carrridge This TIANA M range are the admced models of the now world-wide popular HANA E and S mges of Moving Coil cartridgs, famom for their high quality mund reproduction, ese of setup md uet md competitire pricing. I have owned my Hana EL cartridge for less than a month and it probably has less than 50 hours on it, but maybe more. buymeacoffee. - full dynamics, good bass, balanced, sweet. HANA SL MKII MC CARTRIDGE REVIEW Hana SL MKII MC Cartridge is the second iteration of the brand's SL phono-cartridge and comes with a few improvements over the original including cryogenically treated parts, a new covering material to help dampen the cartridge, and a new cantelever. I just installed a VM540ML on my Rega P3 and it didn’t really seem to have a break-in period. soundkeeperrecordings. And then just recently it occurred to me that I've had 5 cartridges and have never once heard a noticeable improvement between a new cart and that same cart played 20, 40 or 60 hours later. So, What Did Hana Improve? The most obvious change with the Hana A group for the owners of Excel Corporation's Hana Cartridges. That’s not a fair comparison. Some Lets just say that the EL is miles ahead or the Rega Carbon that came with the table. Announced in September 2024, the three new Hana hi-fi cartridges are now available for €759 from Son-Vidéo. Hi, quick question, does bass extension improve on the Hana ML after break in? 爛爛 Really disappointed with it compared to the Kontrapunkt B that it replaced. 1g so 2. The bass is vastly improved, the sound is warm but precise and the soundstage is beautiful!!! Oh, and although controversial, I do believe you need to break it in and it will take about 50 or more hours to hear what it can really do. Friend that sells them HANA ML Low-Output Moving Coil Cartridge. I went in for another adjustment but thought I might as well have a cartridge put on since I went through Clearaudio Cartridge Break In Test Record 180g LP To reach their full sonic potential, a phono cartridge needs a certain '' running-in'' period, which can range from 40-100 hours - this LP shortens this considerably, allowing you to enjoy I now have the sound I was after when I bought the HANA EL cartridge. The EL has an What is the best way to break-in? I’ve heard to increase the weight by 0. New Cart Acquired byu/Shzeph inaudiophile. Byron4 wrote:I have the Hana EH and while I listen to primarily classical and jazz I also have a number of older rock albums I play regularly including Steely Dan, Santana, Jimi Hendrix, ELO among others. I have a Grado Red and after playing many hours on the Grado, the sound was closed in. All Content © HANA / Musical Surroundings 2020 Last year I had the pleasure of testing the Hana Umami Red cartridge, which turned out to be something very unique and outstanding. Price: £995 [NOTE: All Hana cartridges requiring a replacement stylus due to wear or customer damage will be swapped for a brand The Hana cartridge is the best cartridge I have ever owned. As with all the cartridges HANA SL needed some time to break in. Break in on a cart is definitely a thing. Jetzt bestellen! Springe zu; It is generally believed or accepted that it takes about 100 hours of play to "break in" a MC cartridge, but so far the results are very positive, Cartridge break in or something else? Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by Purplefowler, Feb 14, 2020 Purplefowler Forum Resident Thread Starter. Markooo999 Member. Cartridges are mechanical and the stylus is suspended on a system that can require break-in. I noticed that right out of the box, cartridges 100% do have a break-in period- there's a suspension in there Hana ML (Impedance=8 ohms, Suggested load >100 ohms) Clearaudio Concept, Satisfy Kardan Tonearm Parasound JC3 jr. But I wondered just how far could I go with an upgrade, and would it make any difference, or would I be spending too much for what the 1200mkII could handle. Skip to Content Products Reviews Contact Dealer Locator Open Menu Close Menu. The sound has not degraded at all, which means this is a fairly durable Hana Umami Blue Review By Alan Sircom. I wonder why it took So I'm about 20 hours into the break-in of my Umami and thought I'd post a few thoughts: First, there's very little comparison to my previous cartridge. Heck, it even has the feisty joie de vivre of the The Hana SL features tighter channel balance, greater channel separation, and improved high-frequency extension. Hana cartridges are made by the Excel Sound Corporation, a Tokyo based company that has been producing OEM cartridges for more than 50 years. While other $200 cartridges reached their end of life matter-of-factly, every DL103 was deemed worthy of rescue and repurposing in an audiophile context. Although I admit I noticed the Hana SL opened up a bit more after 6 sides. Or the nearest thing you have. 5 I'm just passing 50 hours on a Hana EL and it is sounding very good. 5mV would sing with that stage. I just got a replacement hana el, fitted it and set it up how I always do and I’m getting more volume from the left speaker, just a couple of decibels . Installed Blue and then changed to SL. Update at 23hrs of break-in: very happy to report I'm a happy camper already The brightness is gone, dynamics and warmth have kicked in, already better than any other cart I've had Yes, the SL Mono lacks a little of the bloom in the midrange of these cartridges and a little of their tonal color, but it is very musical and quite a bargain. The Hana SL wants around 400 - 500 ohm. I finally pulled the trigger on a new cartridge yesterday. Cartridges below that level would sound a bit lean, lacking dynamics, and slightly anemic in bass. Hana Umami Blue continues the strong legacy of Hana manufacture, providing a sheer authenticity of reproduction that easily delivers an enticing, involving, and intimate music reproduction. If it had these things, I’d be praising the considerably more expensive Hana ML for its remarkable performance. " LP GEAR agrees. Very unengaging. com. Excel Sound Cartridge Master. Wow The cartridge is on the Pro-Ject Classic so I also increased the anti skating from the middle slot to the Just got a Umami Red on my SME 12A/309 arm; how long of a break-in did it take for Umami owners here to feel that it had fully settled in and stopped improving? I’m only at 5-6 hours, and initial low output MC cartridge. Its stock-in-trade is high One some of the brochure that came with the Nagaoka cartridge : - Break-in period: 30 hours . 1g with a 2g cartridge. My idea was this—after visiting Australia in 2015, I was determined to create an exhibit room (or. 50-75 hours should get you there. This is because of a stiff suspension to the cantilever. After this, the sound started slowly to settle in and everything coming to a stable performance. As they begin the break-in phase—a process they were advised would take around 20 hours—they eagerly anticipate the auditory experience that awaits. I think it is a solid performing cartridge for the money and quite balanced in my system. The Cadenza has this live ambience quality, only my Soundsmith modified DL-103R matches (boron cantilever with nude contact line stylus). Excel has been manufacturing phono cartridges in Japan since 1970, primarily for other brands. Masao Okada-san, who began researching phono cartridge design in 1964, opened the Excel factory in Tokyo in 1970. The EL is abour 1mm taller than the Carbon so I didn't mess with any spacers. I’m interested in feedback on the break in period of the Hana ML. More info at hanacartridges. What can I expect to change in the sound, and what are the significant break in times when you started to notice the biggest A dealer suggested using a cartridge's maximum specified tracking force for the first 30 hours or so of use to help the slightly stiff-from-the-factory suspension perform its best, A cartridge should always sound good out of the box and if it sounds objectionable something is wrong. I find this cartridge sounds wonderful on these albums even though some of these records are over 40 years old due to the lower noise floor and outstanding I've read and heard people mention a certain number of hours for cartridge break-in. The ModWright PH 9. . At first I thought there might be something off about this cartridge. All my MC's has needed some break-in period for the suspension to soften and the cartridge to open up. com and turntableneedles. Ortofon 2M Blue, Nagaoka MP-200, Hana ML, Denon DL-103R, Audio-Technica AT-33Sa, and this Ortofon Cadenza. Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by JMT, Jan 20, 2016. If you have been considering a mono cartridge and don’t want to The SL-D2 is a “middling” turntable, your S2 can handle MM and MC (LO) cartridges, I know nothing of your speakers. Hana customer support was great and my local distributor offered up an upgrade to the Hana ML at 25% off. Geoff Husband writes in his TNT France review: "To compare Hana with cartridges 10X as much seems madness, but “blind”, I would have believed they were in the same class - extraordinary. Summary. I have 8 in so far on the Umami Blue. I'm of the camp that believes cartridges warm up as you play them, reach a peak and eventually tire. Hifi Pig. 0. I remember the owner of the shop being extremely positive on the brand a couple of years ago. Just installed with the fromt of the Hana flush with the fromt of the tonearm (with the rega protractor). I'm curious how long folks think cartridges take to break in. Shzeph shares their enthusiasm for the Hana Umami Red cartridge and fellow audiophiles chime in with reactions and advice. M. Hana is the in-house, export-only brand of a cartridge manufacturer known as the Excel Corporation. Maybe that's all it needed. barrydiamentaudio. Editors Choice Review: HANA Umami Red by Stuart Smith “ “Simply put, the Umami Red is superb and fully deserving of our highest accolade!” ”What you get is a beautifully crafted and wonderfully engineered Garth Leerer, the owner of Musical Surroundings and USA distributor of HANA cartridges, contacted me a couple of months ago and asked if I was up for reviewing the new There was a very clear line where cartridges ~ 0. It is a fantastic cartridge. Jan 25, 2019 #3 Next I bought a used SOTA and put a new Hana on it and started I just received my new Ortofon 2M blue and Hana SL. 0XT upgrade had me wondering what a higher end cartridge would bring. Hana ML Show & Tell Archived post. A little break-in with cart suspensions is normal, but after ~20 hours of play time it should be okay. I have been using my Hana almost every day for hours, so there is probably well over 1,500 hours on it. Indeed, a HANA purchase allows you to buy more of your favourite vinyl records - which is the real reason for buying a good phono cartridge in the first place! Hiroshi Ishihara, Youtek Corporation. Reactions: 67dylan. As it happens, after long research I'm leaning towards the Hana EH as my next cartridge, and reading your review this "trade in" program not too low, not too high. My experience with other designs from Excel (maker of the Hana) is that they require at least 30-40 hours to settle in. Recently mounted a mid-tier Grado for a friend and it changed dramatically over the first few hours, especially in the bass. This can take anywhere from 40 to 100 hours, depending upon Of course cartridges have a break in period, but I'm a worry wart when it comes to these things. I immediately got nice sound coming from both cartridges. In particular, the HANA SH MK II with 2mV output, can be directly connectible to MM Phono input, providing you with high quality MC sound. Hana offers I knew I had a review sample of the new Hana Umami Blue cartridge coming, so I was pretty stoked about it, given what I'd heard at Axpona. After getting the SL setup and after I just got my new Hana SH cartridge adjusted and mounted on my Technics SL1200mkII. It replaces a tired Linn Asaka, so it doesn't have too high a hurdle. After a long break I Log in or Sign up. If the sound isn't to your I've got about 15 hours on my Hana EL. Home Forums > Discussions > Audio Hardware > Hana Cartridges. Luckily my friend gave me these clips and HANA ML MOVING COIL CARTRIDGE. I also reviewed the Hana SL Mono cartridge earlier this year. I have always wanted to try the Hana SL, but the sound and the fullness, including the deep bass coming from my Dynavector 20x2 Low makes me suspect that I’d be leaving fish, to find fish. com www. Would be interested to know what is the break in hours for new hana cartridges from your practical experience. This cartridge elevates the P2 several notches. The Hana SL MKII, SH MKII and SL Mono MKII are the second generation of the S Series. I only have about 15 hours on the cartridge so far after dialing in the set up per QC report. Search for: Thanks guys, I agree with this advice. Or anything I can try to improve it? 20 Lossless samples: http://bit. Best regards, Barry www. I was running the Denon DL-160, which is well regarded for impressive performance and price. £995. Amazon. Before spending many $100’s on a cartridge that you may not get the best from because of your turntable and / or speakers, I’d look for an upgrade stylus for your existing Shure cartridge (if in the US, places like LPGear. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of The coil of the ML's new low-impedance generator—the same generator used in the Hana Umami Blue—is wound with a very high-purity copper wire. What would you do if you stay with the Hana ML? Would you trade it in on a new one, or investigate getting it retipped, or just buy a new one? I've been looking into the Phasemation PP-300, which is sometimes available from Japan for around $1200, seems to be a very nice cartridge and very highly regarded in all the reviews and reports I've seen. Another great album for the Hana break in Suggested break-in time for Hana EL? Thanks He’s comparing a new cartridge (the Hana) with a cartridge that he’s played much more (the Nagaoka). Heckto35 likes this. IThe M range product line: HANA-MH: High output/ Micro line stylus to be connected 2023 Golden Ear: Hana Umami Blue Cartridge - The Blue traces and tracks the grooves surefootedly on complex passages, conveying a high level of transparency, harmonic complexity, speedy note-transitions, and richness. It has just started to 'warm' a little after 10-15 hours. Hana Moving Coil Cartridges. A cartridge should always sound good out of the box and if it sounds objectionable something is wrong. Hana is a specialist Japanese cartridge manufacturer that's really been making waves of late. They are presented as being high-performance, thanks to a redesigned vibration-damping system. com Break in time My ML took around 60-70 plus hours to really open up. Hana Cartridge Owners Group | Break in time My ML took around 60-70 plus hours to really open up Also with my Hana, anti skating, though trickier for me to set right in my VPI Prime is nearly as important as azimuth was. Likely it was due to the suspension. Those same cartridges did fantastic on other phono stages with more gain. The Hana ML cartridge has several advanced product features (Over E and S series HANA Moving Coil cartridges) that take the sound fidelity and musical enjoyment to new heights, continuing to offer a superb My first experience with Hana cartridges of Japan came at the 2016 Newport Show when I had organized my Down Under Audio exhibit rooms for Colleen Cardas Imports. Implementing the new generator Although I can’t be certain that the sound of the retipped Hana is as good or better than the original, I am glad I made the decision to do the retip instead of trading the old cartridge in on a new She’s starting to break in I figure I’m on hour 35, Maybe another 10 to 15 and that’s when the fun begins Hana Cartridge Owners Group | She’s starting to break in Products Reviews Contact Dealer Locator. Open comment sort Break in is a thing. It needed at least 55 db of gain and 47K loading which is not a very common combination in phono preamps. How many hours does a SH take to break in ? Just bought a Hana ML today. Much like the Koetsu cartridges I’ve owned and reviewed, the Hana cartridges all maintain the silky midrange characteristics permeating their overall designs. Weighing in Hana ML > Bob's Devices SUT > Avid Pellar phono pre > Luxman 505 integrated > Triangle 30th ann Antals. But enough So here’s a cartridge break in process related stupid question The Hana ML it replaced did not sound dramatically different even after 6 months of use, but did need improve quite a bit after a couple of long sessions over a weekend - maybe 20 hours break-in time. I had previously decided on a Sumiko Blue Point Special mkIII but after watching the hype train roll faster and faster on the New cartridge time. I’ve never aligned a cartridge before so it took 5 tries to get it aligned to a place I’m satisfied Audiophile friends and vinyl enthusiasts, get ready for a new sound experience! The Japanese brand Hana has just unveiled new phono cartridges that are worth the detour. de: Hana MC Moving-Coil Stereo Cartridge mit Nude Microline Tip - ML (Low Output) - Schneller & kostenloser Versand ab 29€. com/hifisquarepants "Fast, timbrally neutral, non-mechanical-sounding, transparent and delivering levels of detail usually heard from more costly cartridges, the Hana ML is in every way an impressive sounding and performing cartridge. Location: Bedfordshire, uk. ˜ank you very much for purchasing a HANA MC cartridge! HANA cartridges are competitively priced, but with high quality sound reproduction, and ease of use and setup. “A first-class MC cartridge” – STEREO (Germany) I installed the Blue this weekend on my VPI Prime, replacing a Hana SL that has clocked maybe 100 hours. ly/3TPuWlxIf you like my videos, you may want to support my work:☕ Buy Me a Coffee: https://www. The box it comes in is a nice black box that doesn’t smell of sandalwood. As it stands, this is the Great new album to be the 20th hour of break in, Sounds amazing Continuing with the new Hana Umami Blue MC break in. com . Currently, I have a new MM cart that has maybe 16 hours on it. Skip to content.
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