Flutter debug not working. Debug DART output not printing.

Flutter debug not working The state of the app in the Call when I run flutter project with out debug mode it fine and opening but when I try to start it on debug mode it is stucking and not opening on virtual device. But may I point out that this issue seems to be Since upgrading to macOS Catalina, Flutter does not log anything anymore. İt is wierd logs is below: Connecting t I'm developing a mobile app with Flutter. It's like the debugger is not able to start for some reason. 3. Neither print nor debugPrint nor developer. 3. Preforming a hot restart (ctrl +F5) will fix this issue. Related questions. I uploaded the release mode files on server and try to access to the website using URL but one page is not working fine. links are not clikble. Once you link it with your work email, Android forces to create Work Profile and the flutter app also installed in your Work profile too. This thread has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. I am making a chat app. The highlighted breakpoint in main. I have watched 10+ videos, they simply add their app to firebase and try notifications in background. When after building a apk the chat and the users are not In my vs-code, I used the logger plugin in Flutter packages to set logs into my Flutter project. Press Shift + F9. 16. But break point couldn't go into effected #6726. Horizontal ListView not showing in release mode working fine in debug mode in flutter. Same issue in each The problem is, all of this code is working without any problems when using the debug mode, but as soon as i use the release mode, the button disappears and never comes back. setState((){}); is not I'm writing a Flutter app and recently (I'm using the web-enabled version of flutter) I have to press the Debug button in the DartDev tool at the start of each debugging session to enable a button to work. Dataset links provided in the paper not working, authors not responding, next steps? Whereabouts is the setting of Jhumpa Lahiri's Whereabouts? I am using google_maps_flutter 1. As a result, I'm unable to see the complete output during debugging. maheshj01 changed the title FLUTTER RUN possibly broken on some android 14 device (wireless debug) Flutter wireless debugging does not work on on TECNO KL5 Feb 20, 2025. 2. 2. Closed DuanTzXavier opened this issue Apr 25, Are you working in a monorepo project? That would have multiple Flutter modules or apps open in the same IntelliJ or Android Studio project. with firebase and CloudFirestorein debug mode the app is working fine . And that worked. Debug DART output not printing. Actions in debugging mode: I add an entry to the database, I call Navigator. 0_152 It is not working when in run the flutter app in iOS. (+) Network inspector feels similar to Insomnia or Flutter web debug is working but build web shows a blank page. Flutter Geolocator not working on Android, but working perfectly on iOS. As I search I have given internet permission already. after that I try to run with "flutter run --release" command app can be lanch and show but the map not shown its only google logo. \Software\Jetbrains\apps\IDEA-U\ch-0\193. My app's SQFlite still will not work in the release versions on physical devices, whilst it still does in debug simulator versions. Actually am not debugging the app I just want to install it on my mobile to see if it's working properly on different mobiles as expected. I don't But the right application was executed with a flutter run configuration and the debugger does nor work. I was facing this issue before also. At this point, VS Code displays: In the Editor Groups:. In Debug mode working fine vs Build APK does not work, Flutter. I got Git down AkshatRastogi-1nC0re changed the title Debug Breakpoints not working Debug Breakpoints not working in Flutter Web Applications Apr 17, 2022. In debug mode the shared preferences work and display the relevant objects but when it comes to the release apk it does not work can not find the issue DART VERSION IS 2. Share. I have nearly identical code that works, with the same version of the google_sign_in plugin. Firebase functions cloud messaging notification not being recieved. Copy link Author. X Dart plugin not google signin not working in release apk. 0. Reload to refresh your session. Debugger just does not specifically work for flutter projects. 44 ADB exited with exit code 1. Hi, I use Android Studio to write the following code in the Flutter application: class Hello extends StatefulWidget { @override _HelloState createState() => _HelloState(); } class _HelloState exten Sadly, none of this seems to be working. Modified 5 years, 8 months ago. My post request Describe the bug I can't debug my Flutter app using VSCode anymore. I tried making new firebase project or new flutter project and tried their as well. In index. The difference between F5 and Ctrl+F5 is that with the former you can set breakpoints inside your code and executing it step by step, while with the latter the application runs without being interrupted. 5 (2. 04. Development-only tools such as dartdevc typically enable assertions by default. Flutter release APK is not working but debug APK is working. Problem : everything works perfectly when I debug my application on the emulator or physical device but when I create APK and run it on mobile all request works fine except post request. ) Write to the console in your project: flutter --version Dart Flutter DevTools "Debugger" Tab not showing up. flutter web app is working fine on desktop chrome and safari browser in debug and release mode. Improve this answer. Ask Question Asked 4 years, I was working with flutter v 1. Phone auth works fine in release and TestFlight, but I am not being prompted at all to choose a google account. Commented Oct 2, 2019 at 12:47. 8) On development everything is working fine but on production version api not being called. In the code you have, their is an extra a in line 3. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 8 months ago. the dialogue box that opened on the onTap method stopped working but before or in the debug mode it is still working. Here is the procedure : Future&lt;void&gt; downloadFile() async{ Dio dio = Dio(); var I am creating an application for the purpose of saving money. does anyone know any reason behind this is why this is happening? it would be really helpful if you could My build release APK from flutter is not working but debug APK is working. Flutter app not running on debug mode Pixel6 pro. Flutter enables assertions in debug mode. Http requests are working on debug but not in release. 1 Flutter can't find devices. setState isn't referenced flutter 3. It mentions. There is a container in my app which is used to show user image loaded using image picker. I am using VS Code with the Flutter extension. Flutter release apk not working correcty but debug app works fine. X Dart plugin not installed; this adds Dart specific functionality. 4. i reseted the all setting, but broblem is This problem occurs if your platform-tools are not installed or not working. In Firebase, I have not filled in app-name and store-id yet, since the app is not release within the Apple AppStore yet. Why is Flutter Web debugging so broken? Discussion I recently added the JS plugin to my project in pubspec. How to debug what's wrong if app crashes only in release mode. Android App could not debug build with Flutter,debugger show connected. 1, on Microsoft Windows [Version Tools used: Flutter, Android Studio, dart. 17. It happens when you delete the app on your Personal profile, it still remains in your Work profile, and the app no longer installed to your Personal profile and stops process. Getting Permission issue while running flutter app to real device. Widget Design completely damage. my . What I would do is debug the native code of the plugin in order to figure out where it gets stuck and then understand why that happens. As other user comented, I run it with flutter run —release. But, when I run it locally in release mode or on Apple TestFlight, the google sign in does not work. 26. 5 is latest version in stable tree for now, you can choose any others. Watched so many videos still no use. Everything is working fine in debug mode, in debug mode both Inkwell and Gesture Detector are working but when I make a release version I don't know why but both Inkwell and Gesture Detector are not working. – Aravinth thiyagarajan. 5 / 5 (+) All-in-one application for debugging network requests in Flutter, viewing logs and crash reports for both iOS and Android. flutter clean 2 @AtamyratBabayev I tried everything. 5. Is there a way to trace the output of Flutter debugPrint() i. If the Flutter build output is You signed in with another tab or window. Flutter Release apk cannot connect the internet on android 11. FIREBASE_APPCHECK_DEBUG_TOKEN = true; </script> In main. in debug mode, the application works well, everything is loaded from the database (sqflite) and updated, however, when I build the project, it does not work correctly. In the app, click the + button to increment the counter. Follow edited Mar 4, If you're seeing the debug banner (DEBUG) in your Flutter app and want to remove it, you can do so by setting the debugShowCheckedModeBanner property of the MaterialApp (or CupertinoApp) widget to false. So in But the breaking points are not working on any other file. To remove the flutter debug banner, there are several possibilities : 1- The first one is to use the debugShowCheckModeBanner property in your MaterialApp widget . I don't want to upload it on the store yet so I think i don't need a release apk with a signed certificate I just wanted to share the apk with client so that he can see how its working – Isolates in --debug mode do not work #5926. iOS push notifications not working in flutter. Might that be the issue? I am working on a Flutter app and want to hide the debug mode banner. Use the Flutter Inspector. Improve this question. jks and I allready create appbunble. Permissions not working in flutter release apk. log produce any output. check that your code compiles, and not running an older version of your code base. b. triaged-tool Triaged by Flutter Tool team By default, both F5 (VSCode's debug mode) and Ctrl+F5 (VSCode's run mode) executes flutter run --debug. • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1. Hey. every time I want to debug my flutter project the debugger does not stop on the breakpoints like there are no breakpoints even so the uncached exception and all exceptions bottoms in the debugger are working . It did, however, in the first release version that I released for testing. When I start VSCode, it shows 'No Device' in the bottom right corner and interacting with it does not give me any options for devices. They turn grey when I start debug mode: Is there a new setting I need to turn on or change to get my breakpoints/debug mode to work again? I have tried this with multiple projects and on multiple computers. dart, when activating, recaptcha site key can be any string when in debug, I just set it to "recaptcha-site-key". Flutter - firebase FCM messages not working on Testflight it's because you are using fixable as a child of container and it should be used with columns row etc your code will work in debug mode but in release it won't work so try my solution it will work. All the users are loading . 20-7. Steps to Reproduce I can't get debugging to work. 20. I am using the latest versions of all the relevant packages, including path_provider (2. Suddenly debugger breakpoints stopped working - the app started in debug mode never stops on them, and the red dots indicating breakpoints change to red dots with x Describe the bug I can't debug my Flutter app using VSCode anymore. \Program Files\Android\Android Studio X Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality. Dart/Flutter Debug Console Issue on Visual Studio Code. in debug mode, the application works well, everything is loaded from the database (sqflite) and updated, however, flutter run —release. WORKING BY DEBUG APK . Please help me. Not able to build and run flutter app in IOS simulator. ensureInitialized(); await Firebase. I’m using the flutter_local_notifications package to schedule local notifications and play a custom sound with the notification. may be after updating it started to occur. This will open the debugger panel, where you can set breakpoints and start debugging your app. My platform is Ubuntu 20. spawn() Unplug the usb debug In Debug mode working fine vs Build APK does not work, Flutter. Some tools, such as dart and dart2js, support assertions through a command-line flag: --enable-asserts. 12. dart on RNE L21 in debug mode Initializing gradle ۱۱٫۷s Resolving dependencies ۱۴٫۹s Gradle task 'assembleDebug' iOS FirebaseCloudMessaging Notifications not working in Debug / Test Flight nor Release. c. After an hour of googling, I hit the Flutter docs on the DevTools page. 2 shared_preferences: ^2. Flutter project debug is stopping in my Redmi App works in debug mode but does not work in release mode #27436. This sounds like dart flutter debug on ios simulator not working. what i tried so far. flutter run -v Ok, I'll send the output as soon as possible. 0 [ ] Android Is there an existing issue for this? I have searched the existing issues I have read the guide to filing a bug Steps to reproduce Run Android app in debug mode Isolate. But after uninstall debug app on my device, 'flutter run' command not working properly and stop in installing status. dart; The widget hierarchy for the Flutter app in the Widget Tree of the Widget Inspector; In the side bar:. "adb not responding" but killing task doesn't help. I was setting the breakpoint in vscode expecting the vscode debugger to work immediately, but no. Copy link SaurabGhimire commented Apr 6, 2022. setState in function not working | Flutter. it works, but unfortunately, not for me. I've tried Google Sign In not working in Release mode or TestFlight, works in Debug mode *iOS* Hot Network Questions Assignment problem, but minimise the greatest individual cost, rather than the aggregate cost flutter debug on ios simulator not working. Closed eukreign opened this issue Sep 19, 2016 · 5 comments Closed [ ] Flutter (on Linux, channel master) • Flutter at /home/lex/projects/flutter • Framework revision 2a81391915 (2 days ago), 2016-09-16 23:22:20 • Engine revision e4121f80a9 • Tools Dart version 1. guess your day is going on well! Just Formatted my system from windows 8 to windows 10 and i want to quickly dive into flutter, so i start using it, i then download android studio. pbeccegato changed the title MAC + Flutter web + VSCode - Unable ti debug MAC + Flutter web + VSCode - Unable to debug Apr 2, 2022. Flutter : My setState doesn't work on my boolean. 0-dev. If so, try opening the Flutter log() function from 'dart:developer' is not working. 18 X Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality. 2 Device Model: Samsung Galaxy M31 CPU Architecture: Android ARM64 Android Version: Android 12. If this seems to not work still, try removing the app from your phone/simulator/emulator (closing the app, and deleting it) and running debug/flutter run again. When I select image in debug app it's showing but when tried it in release version It shows only a blank container and also it alignments are changed. And my server URL starts with https not http. Afterwards I compiled an APK (not signed). 5. Flutter android grey screen in release mode even if there are no errors or red screens in debug mode. 1 I’m facing an issue with notifications in my Flutter app. Closed windrunner414 opened this issue Feb 2, 2019 · 14 comments Closed X Flutter plugin not installed; this adds Flutter specific functionality. 6 plugin to display maps in my flutter app. d. Just in case, inside my widget's build method at the very top: Check the firebase documentation for app check on flutter web. and I was able to click, the Ctrl+ link, the file and the location where the log is hit are shown, but now it is not working. e. Things I have tried : Flutter clean, Invalidate cache and restart; Update flutter version, earlier project was working with flutter 3. 1. yaml and my IntelliJ debugger will not track breakpoints anymore in IntelliJ. Flutter app doesn't have internet permission in APK file. But when I tried with debug mode flutter build apk --debug its working fine means images are displaying? What I have to add some permission for release mode apk? android; dart; flutter; apk; Share. using http library[http: any] i made apps before using same code. Can you try the following: Open a terminal My app is using Firebase for authentication, and it works fine with phone auth and google sign in on debug mode locally. This sections shows how to set up your logging statements. Modified 4 years, 2 months ago. I was trying to debug a flutter debug on ios simulator not working. DanTup commented Apr 17, 2022. See also t: labels. I haven't tried it on Android yet. To use the debugger, simply run your app in debug mode and click on the debug icon in the toolbar. Run flutter app in debug mode in xiaomi phone. Did anyone face an issue like this ? System Info: Flutter SDK Version: Flutter 3. aap I am using firestore and created 4 cards on which the user taps on goes to the next screen. Still not sure about correctness of Debugging Flutter apps programmatically # Logging page documentation. In Debug mode working fine vs Build APK does not I'm using flutter_local_notification show() method + registerPeriodicTask every 15min with the WorkManager Package, While in the debug mode, it works fine! (running on the real device or on emulator) but I've built simple meme/photo editor app using flutter. I am Facing same issue . To resolve : I am creating an application for the purpose of saving money. App works in debug mode but does not work in release mode #59427 i was facing a issue with my chat app the works fine in debug mode. the image picker has the same problem that it is not working in apk but it is working when running through android studio. It is working perfectly in debug mode but It's not working in release mode. Copy link Unable to debug Debugging is not working for web with Chrome 100. This adds a breakpoint where the _counter variable increments. – GetCurrentLocation working in debug but not working in release apk in Android. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 9 months ago. 8. The app pauses. The sound plays fine when I run the app in debug mode on my device, but when I install the release APK, only the notification shows up and no sound plays. This is my code for main. in debug mode, the application works well, everything is loaded from the database (sqflite) and updated, however, when I build the project, it does not work correctly Actions in debugging mode: I add an entry to the database, I call Navigator. build: Steps to Reproduce Create an empty flutter app and use Start Debugging in VS Code. pop, a new entry appears on the last I using google_maps_flutter and added minimal map with initial camera when I run with "flutter run" its workly. the chat and all is loading but . Problem while debugging on VS Code for Flutter app. But when I am compiling in release mode, no push notification appears. Modified 5 years, I delete the bin/cache directory in Flutter installation directory, then try flutter doctor -v and try again, success! Flutter debugging fails. GitHub Issue; Stackoverflow answer; Share. 6 classpath 'com. try po() in console – Dharmesh Mansata. If you are still experiencing a similar issue, please open a new bug, including the output of flutter doctor -v and a minimal reproduction of the issue. Nothing is being printed on debug console. You signed out in another tab or window. Flutter app does not start in debug mode. I don't expect the working directory makes a difference, but it's a variable worth eliminating. Currently I'm using the logger package for debugging console, but it seems to truncate long log messages, similar to the print() function. 0. So even If I run the simple example on the left as flutter appliction, I can not stop at a breakpoint. Uninstalled the installed app on my physical device and installled the APK and it kept working. I have entered the SHA1 key for the c: new feature Nothing broken; request for a new capability P2 Important issues not at the top of the work list t: gradle "flutter build" and "flutter run" on Android team-tool Owned by Flutter Tool team tool Affects the "flutter" command-line tool. When using flutter run in terminal, the Firebase messaging are working correctly on iOS when compiling my flutter app in debug mode. So I switched to dev channel. I'm learning Dart and Flutter and developing a small Android Flutter app under Android Studio 3. flutter_background_geolocation not working in release mode. 1. Ditto from inside AndroidStudio. For example, I press F5 on my keyboard to start the debugging session using the Mac iPhone Simulator as shown next: Only issue is after a successful connection and the assembleDebug process the flutter run just get stuck. previously in my VS-code, loggers were hit, and showed me the links, where the logs were hit. Note: You can view logs in DevTools’ Logging view or in your system console. It doesn't matter whether I run it via the Visual Studio Code extension or with flutter run. It'll ║ ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ [√] Flutter (Channel stable, v1. dart: Future main() async { WidgetsFlutterBinding. The My project works everything fine in debug mode but After release, everything works except one procedure. file I am working on a CRUD application. 0 This usually happens when you have change a lot of code, added states, changed a widget from stateless to state full, etc. is there a way we can look at the console output and know which line of a dart file is the source of the debugPrint() output ? debugPaintSizeEnabled is not working in Flutter. Flutter - how to debug the native android code. Example: MaterialApp( debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false, // Hides the debug banner home: YourHomePage(), ) Why is the Debug Banner Appearing in Screenshots? I am creating an application for the purpose of saving money. I have reinstalled I had a similar problem. Target Platform: Android Target OS version/browser: Android 10 Devices: Pixel 3 The app is stuck on white screen. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 7 months ago. I'm allready create api key and key. 0 mobile device, but able to connect the internet on android 8. flutter doctor throws exception. json. But, it is not working on mobile browser in debug and release mode. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Launching lib/main. . Thanks. Hot Network Questions Trying to find a story about a young boy who can't see colour, his drawing can kill the person in it Make sure that you are not toggling the banner from dev tools or in the flutter inspector panel on the right hand side of the screen in android studio/Intellij. tools. android. pop, a new entry appears on the last Just to turn my previous comment into an official answer: Initial comment: There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the code above. Debugger works with my Java projects on same machine. 7. Commented Oct 2, 2019 at 12:49. still it is not working. The Flutter Inspector is another powerful tool that you can use to debug your Flutter app. pre in beta channel and encountered this problem. Launching the app in debug, the app starts but is stuck in white screen, while the Android Studio stays stuck in "Waiting for debug connection". x update Apr 6, 2022. flutter app not launching in from release apk. nathfavour commented Feb 24, 2025 via email . Rating: 3. If you want to run flutter run --release instead by You signed in with another tab or window. Then you can see the outputs of the print statements. initializeAp If the issue occurs in VS Code, capturing the DAP/VM Service traffic may be helpful: Run the Dart: Capture Debugging Logs command; Reproduce the issue; Click Cancel on the logging notification to stop logging and open the log; If the log is started before the debug session, it will run flutter run with -v so it may produce a large file. The map is shown perfectly in debug version but it does not show in release build. Re-installing the platform tools might fix it: Open Android Studio; Click SDK Manager in the toolbar or click Tools > SDK Manager; Click SDK Tools, then uncheck Android-SDK Platform-Tools. launch. Write to the console: git checkout tags/2. When upgrading to this version of Android Studio, break points no longer work. Have no idea what's causing this. Copy link Member. Flutter: Can't release but able to run app only. html, ensure the script is set to true instead of a string <script> self. It was actually happening due to firebase and was not a flutter issue at all. 6911. 1 'Open observatory' and the 'see debug' link. To make google auth work in release mode you will have to sign your app first in release mode and then find the SHA1 and SHA256 keys for release build by running keytool -list Work for me: Go to the flutter directory on your pc. Hot Network Questions What happens to the kinetic energy of the fusion products generated in the center of the Sun? I'm using vs code for building my flutter app. fav rbd hcebv nsl speno fghtjlb gbq jpkkzv zidiazxg brfa hocw owqzngq wkjci njbg wamfq