Battletech gauss rifle Introduced in 2590 by the Terran Hegemony, the Gauss rifle utilizes a series of electromagnets to propel slugs of ferrous nickel-iron alloy at extremely high velocities, making it a devastating and lethal long-range weapon. The delay in The Gauss Rifle is the premiere ballistic weapon used by the Clan and Inner Sphere. Just because you have the ballistic hardpoints and enough tonnage to mount the weapon doesn't mean you The largest drawback to the heavy N-Gauss, like all naval Gauss rifles, is the sheer cost of the weapon. The Gauss rifle is an extremely powerful, but also extremely fragile weapon. The numbers indicate how powerful the weapon is; the AC/2 does Try to obtain one of the -2 ton Gauss Rifles for a little more space to play with. Very Light Gauss Rifle DB,X 1 5 4 1-9 10-18 18-27 24 9 4 Ultra Light Gauss Rifle DB,X 1 3 5 1-10 11-20 21-30 32 6 3 Extremely Light Gauss Rifle DB,X 1 1 6 1-11 11-22 21-34 50 4 2 If they take critical hits, the VLGR explodes for 10 points of damage, and the ULGR and ELGR for 5. I've commented on that discrepancy as well, the answer I was given was that the King David fires much faster than the Magshot in RPG scale play, but that didn't end up translating into anything in Mech scale Random internet musings of a BattleTech writer are not canon. It acted as a bridge weapon that linked the SLDF's Gauss rifle to the later Clan-spec version used in the Clan Invasion. The store only had two of them, and I bought both. Lieutenant Colonel; Posts: 12489; Re: Recoil of Gauss Rifle Well, a Gauss rifle has a long aerospace range: 20 hexes, 360 kilometers. IIRC Each damage grouping is assigned its own hit location, with LB-X AC canister shells and silver bullet gauss rifles having damage groupings of one. PPCs are effected more by Fog and rain. -JadeHellbringer. Haven't seen any more since. 00 Free Critical Slots: 11 BattleForce Statistics MV S (+0) The gauss rifle lists a not that impressive range in stats but clearly was hitting stuff way farther out in my game last night, which matched how I remembered it from MW2, crazy range. Which means you won't be able to put any other weapons on it unless you want to be basically a walking paper mache sculpture. ADMIN MOD Best Heavy or Assault mech for 2 Gauss rifles? With the changes to the stores, I finally own multiple Gauss rifles and enough ammo to last a long mission. ++ gauss rifles do not spawn ammo. And a Light Silver Bullet Gauss Rifle wouldn't overshadow the LB-10X either because it does a little less damage and the LB-10X weighs 1 ton less. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews In the last 30 mins I found a 2nd Gauss Rifle in the normal store. Can someone please explain to me why there aren't two above the BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » BattleTech Player Boards » Fan Designs and Rules » Battle Armor » Custom Heavy Gauss Rifle Rocket-assisted assault gaus rifle: 10 damage, range (3)4/8/12, 700 kg/5 slots. Author Topic: Silver Bullet Gauss Rifle. The NAIS developed the Silver Bullet Gauss Rifle (or SB Gauss) in an attempt to bring the functionality of an LB-X Autocannon to the Gauss rifle. Applying their "bigger is better" philosophy to Gauss technology, the Heavy Gauss Rifle is one of the heaviest battlefield weapons in existence, and has a The Improved Heavy Gauss Rifle inflicts 10% more damage than an Autocannon/20, and occupies as much space as the standard Heavy Gauss Rifle. Ov Armor: 3 Points: 6 Overview []. I have yet to have a mech where I cannot fit 4 slots in exchange for 60% damage increase for a weapon. You only need 4 heatsinks to basically make it equal in terms of heat efficiency with Gauss rifle. 4) Units built to the heat cap are more vulnerable to loss of firepower from heat effects whether natural or artificial. By this, I don't mean the diagnostic images from an MRI, but pictures you can find online of people who have left metal too close to the MRI machine. While functioning similarly to needler weapons, it fires metal flechettes at supersonic speeds, allowing for additional penetration BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » BattleTech Player Boards » Fan Designs and Rules » BattleMechs » Gauss Rifle all the things @Gauss Rifle (8) CT - 1 1. Correct? However, in the pictures of this mech, there's only one large barrel above the cockpit instead of two. The Gauss SMG was introduced and sold by Clan Diamond Shark in the wake of the Clan Invasion, as the Invading Clans found themselves ill-prepared to combat the low-level insurgencies spreading throughout their Occupation Zones and required effective weapons for Ballistic weapons are familiar; they’re similar to modern guns. Captain; All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » The Silver Bullet Gauss Rifle was developed in 3051, but is advanced tech only in 3080. This rifle is very powerful, can 1 shot medium Mech. same for LRMs. . So far I've never seen them together. A reduced damage for such a superior range bracket. Join Tarron and Adam for this tabletop BattleTech video series. While similar to the Grand Mauler Gauss Cannon, the Tsunami is less bulky and has a longer range BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » The legendary Stone Rhino (Behemoth), is armed with 2 Large Pulse Lasers, 2 Gauss Rifles, and 1 Small Pulse Laser. Now I was very late in the story before I managed to gather these weapons so that is worth noting. 3 chances to hit is better 2) Gauss Rifles are substantially less likely to start accidental fires. It functions identically to a Gauss rifle, electromagnetically accelerating a slug to high speeds to cause massive damage at long range. « previous next » Print; Pages: 1 2 [3] All Go Down. Introduced in Technical Readout 2750 the Gauss Rifle is a long range, heavy hitting weapon capable of decapitating a 'Mech in one shot. VI-B) Results in slightly less range and penetrating power than a typical 80mm Gauss BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » But I looked at the math and also realized . However, even a sluggish Aegis WarShip or Behemoth DropShip (both 2/3 thrust) can dodge by 10s of kilometers in 60 seconds. BattleTech中文维基由《BattleTech》的粉丝创建并维护,欢迎一切有爱的玩家参与维基建设。不知道从何下手的朋友可以查看帮助中心或咨询DesertEagleF。 官方网站; Steam购买; GOG购买 At 20 x 18-kilometer hexes and 60-second turns, Gauss rifles MUST fire slugs at 6,000m/s, minimum. Subtlety is for those who lack a bigger gun. glitterboy2098. The Tsunami heavy Gauss rifle is a Draconis Combine semi-mobile Gauss rifle which was produced in secrecy and first used in a raid against Clan Nova Cat forces on Tarnby, where it proved itself powerful enough to quickly and efficiently kill Elementals. I'm thinking for it to be used as a defense, perhaps for a large factory complex. Author Topic: Gauss Rifles!! (Read 3747 times) Cannonshop. Subcategories. A ERML/UAC2 can get up to 79% of headcapping, way better than a Gauss. Right now I Gauss Rifles are more commonly found at Stars with Star League/Lostech inside the storefront. Did you guys know where to find more? Man in all honesty - since LosTech cannot get in shops with +++, it is always worse than shop variants. Ultra and Rotary field The Light Gauss Rifle (“LGR†or “light gauss†from here on) has been the subject of a lot of scorn and mockery, with some people feeling it is one of the worst weapons in the game. Models General BattleTech Discussion » Gauss Rifle damage (image) Gauss Rifle damage (image) « on: 15 July 2015, 11:25:40 » Ever wondered what a Gauss rifle would do to armour? This image was linked in xkcd what-if the other day: Logged Paul. It's like giving the middle finger. So if you roll 12, each of those 12 hits is assigned a location. That's just the fluff names conflicting. The Hyper-Assault Gauss Rifle is a variation on the Gauss rifle developed by Clan Hell's Horses in 3068. One key benefit to the heavy N-Gauss, and all naval Gauss rifles, is the extremely low heat they generate when compared to other capital weapons. Travel to star(s) (Can be multiple), and exchange around 1. To match the rules' to-hit percentages, Gauss rifles likely have much shorter flight times, perhaps 10-15 seconds. It is meant to be this way. 0 . The Rotary Gauss Rifle consists of a single barrel approximately twice as long as that of a standard 80mm Gauss Rifle; The barrel has two sets of interwoven electromagnets and 4 sets of capacitors (the initial prototype model for mounting on the Highlander Mk. The gauss rifle weighs more but the 1 point of heat is something most designs can laugh off for 15 points more of long range damage. It seems all a Gauss can beat them on is stability damage and BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » « on: 05 December 2023, 17:35:19 » In my AU campaign I plan to make it a precursor to the Gauss Rifle using Helm Core data. LRM20+++ Damage is 10 tons and 120 damage compared to Gauss rifle 75. It seems to basically be an LB-X Gauss but never makes it to standard. Speaking of Unbound, that's exactly how it was presented in that product. BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » BattleTech Player Boards » As for this, it just kind of seems like a shaving off of the Gauss Rifle to the metagame thresholds of what make it good. Hoping to stay ahead of the increasing technological curve, they apparently used similar design principles One thing to note is if there is a basic gauss rifle in the shop there will be one ton of ammo in the shop as well. < > Description []. The Gauss Rifle IS an absolute paradigm shift for warfare, at least until the Clans perfected the ERPPC to match it at half the tonnage (albeit 15 times The improved Gauss rifle was created by Clan Goliath Scorpion scientists during the Golden Century. The AC/20 hits harder. My question is, where can I now get the ammo? Like I said I already completed all the flashpoints across the map and new ones seem not to spawn. 8 mil on a standard Gauss Rifle. All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games You do get something of a sense of a gauss gun by looking at what a MRI machine can do. Members Online • In my BEX experience, Gauss Rifles while not as busted as in vanilla are still pretty damn good. ;D In all seriousness, I would try to see if I have a full platoon of Alacorn, then I can refit the 4th Alacorn to have a full loadout of Silver Bullet gauss rifle. For added punch at medium to short ranges, the 4S carries a massive Blackwell Arms Thunderfist Heavy Gauss Rifle, the design specs of the Lyran pride and joy stolen by the Dragoons in revenge for the Lyran theft of the Light Fusion Engine technology. Though its production would be canceled in 2837, it would be reintroduced by the Escorpión Imperio in 3080. When a location protected by CASE II takes damage from an ammunition explosion (including any ammunition-like explosions, such as critical hits to Gauss weapons), only 1 point of internal damage is inflicted to the location (with the normal chance of critical effects), while any remaining damage is applied to the location’s rear armor (if any). Meanwhile, the Hyper Assault Gauss Rifle is standard. While it's cute, I don't really like rules-optimized custom equipment. The one I took the screen shot of was in the black market. Sure, they both get the same four shots per ton; but the bog-standard HGR is itself two tons lighter, so it can -- crits permitting -- more easily squeeze in four or eight extra shots on top of what the same design using an improved heavy Gauss could afford. The Autocannon/20 was named as such because back on the days of the original tabletop Battletech Description []. Advertisement Coins. Ammo is All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. Although roughly the same size, each time it fires, two rounds are loaded into the single barrel and launched at hyper Improved Heavy Gauss Rifle Ammo (8) LT 2 - 2. So 7. However, all the explosion rules also apply to Gauss Rifles, except that they have a 90% chance of exploding. Two designs people should look at when asking such a question about gauss rifles are the ThunderHawk and Devestator in TRO:3058(McCarrons armored Cav for the Dev if you had it). There were two Gauss ammo requires the planet to have manufacturing+rich+research. That does not make sense. In most other respects, the Improved Heavy Gauss Rifle functions like a Heavy Gauss Rifle. Out of all the Star League weapon systems lost during the Succession Wars none has as legendary a status as the Gauss Rifle. Then the 'mech engineers need to take them off the battlearmor that are equipped with the Gauss rifles and stick them on the 'mech Gauss rifles :tongue: Logged BATTLEMASTER I'm grateful when I face someone with a gauss-rifle in Battletech; in other game-systems, like Cyberpunk: 2020, EMGs and rail-guns are far worse and kill you a lot All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. The Heavy Gauss Rifle is a new, deadly innovation by Lyran Alliance scientists introduced in 3061 in conjunction with a manufacturing cooperation between Defiance Industries and TharHes. If you're dumping 40+ LRMs into a target, it's just far more likely to see them actually hit adjacent The Thunderstroke Gauss Rifle is a popular infantry-sized gauss rifle produced by Federated Arms. The Light Gauss Rifle was introduced in 3056 by the Free Worlds League. Apart from the campaign one I found none, and I have 3-4 UAC20s. The Gauss Submachine Gun is a personal gauss weapon used by the Clans. That requires a minimum of 6km/s to cross in 1 turn (60 seconds). The minimum engagement range has also been reduced by 25%. Assuming you're smart enough to use each weapon appropriately, there is no situation in which the Gauss Rifle is not the superior choice. So powerful is it that one hit from a See more A gauss rifle on a marauder will kill 30% of the time which is an absolutely absurd one shot kill rate. It's rooted in battletech history. Also if your main gun is a Gauss Rifle you're gonna want to stay back a bit so some armor can be skimped on. Was more than 40 The subreddit of Harebrained Schemes' Battletech Turn-Based Strategy Game. Work in lances, all fire at one target, move out, reappear elsewhere. I did a brute-force count of 'mechs with at least one standard Gauss rifle, both Clan and Inner Sphere, via MegaMek's search function. It is 15 tons. While you do lose range and single point damage . Diablo48. Logged Firesprocket. With twin LB10X, twenty eight guys are basically locked into one or two hexes, and thus are a single bomb, artillery shell, or firestarter away from being silenced. II battle armor, the Magshot was tested on several Solaris arena 'Mechs before being accepted by the AFFS in 3072. I'm trying to find a good chassis to mount them on in either the heavy The Gauss has more stability damage, but the UAC/2's out-range the Gauss, the fact that I can slot in four of them means they out-damage it, and with some careful play the heat isn't even an issue. While ostensibly as large as a normal assault rifle, the Thunderstroke has a Gauss rifles are really, really rare. Just because you have the ballistic hardpoints and enough tonnage to mount the weapon doesn't mean you should. Hey guys, i just have q Gauss Rifle after the Grave Mission, it's from fhs Star league. Often Standman would push the limits of the 'mech by mounting various gauss rifles (his preferred weapon) and high energy weapons together. Since the weight and volume are quite large, it cannot be mounted on the legs, and the central body can be mounted only after drying the aircraft under certain conditions , so it is usually installed only on Magshot ammo is non-volatile, like gauss ammo (same thing really, just the magshot's firing grapes where the gauss fires watermelons) but the gun itself will do its full 2 damage (I think, it's honestly been a while since i rolled with these on a 'mech) and be contained by CASE as normal if you somehow manage to force damage transfer with that. If I will enter a new alliance BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » BattleTech Player Boards » Something that carries a single Gauss Rifle, can shoot and then get the heck out. [7] Description []. In this video the boys discuss the Gauss Rifle, an interesting addition to your BattleMech we This list catalogs all canon articles about Gauss, Rail Gun & Mass Driver type Ballistic Weapons on BTW of any size. BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » BattleTech Game Systems » Ground Combat » Quick BA Rules Question The AP Gauss Rifle is an anti-personnel Gauss Rifle, but doesn't fit on an AP mount, since its a standard scale weapon. 0 coins. As Description []. Question for the group: Has anyone updated the Magshot in their own campaign to make it a tad more interesting? My gut reaction is to increase the range bands. e. as "bad" as it was the Unbound original was worse as not only was the rifle explosive but so was the ammo, the unbound version of the ammo was a 15 damage x amount of shots remaining in the crited bin. Gauss Rifles will hit adjacent components in the remaining 18% as well, same as LRMs. Captain; Posts BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » BattleTech Player Boards » Fan Designs and Rules » BattleMechs » a Light Gauss Rifle Urbie refit. BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » Off Topic and Technical Support » Off Topic » Gauss Rifles!! « previous next » Print; Pages: [1] 2 All Go Down. It does however have a special rule for damage to conventional In my book, the key advantage that the "standard" HGR retains over its "improved" cousin is generally better ammo endurance. I've found Gauss rifles in three research systems, but have only found ammo at a Star League planet. The Battletech Forums: The best friends you'll ever fire high-powered weaponry at. BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » Catalyst Game Labs » BattleTech Game Rules Questions » Total Warfare If I place a Gauss Rifle in the turret of a Combat Vehicle, and the CASE in the hull, will the CASE still act as specified in TW p. Open comment sort options 80 percent of Harebrained Schemes' staff have been laid off + Battletech 2 was pitched to Paradox, but it wasn't a Paradox IP and Microsoft got a cut so it got BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » Very Light Gauss Rifle DB,X 1 5 4 1-9 10-18 18-27 24 9 4 Ultra Light Gauss Rifle DB,X 1 3 5 1-10 11-20 21-30 32 6 3 If they take critical hits, the VLGR explodes for 10 points of damage, and the ULGR for 5. Description []. I don't really want the Gauss buffed (enough OP weapons as is), I just Nowhere is this more clear than with ballistic weapons: The iconic AC/20 is a battering ram of a gun, used at point blank to forcibly eject people from your personal space in a spectacular, Description []. I don't particularly like losing them, so I probably use ACs and UACs more often even after getting some Gauss rifles but it's hard to beat the satisfaction of the noise, the projectile visuals, and hitting crits from halfway across the map. BattleTech (TT) BattleTech (VG) MechWarrior 5 (VG) MechWarrior: Living Legends (VG) MechWarrior Online (VG) MegaMek (VG) Other Games; How much damage should a BA mounted AP Gauss Rifle do against conventional infantry? It is not listed on the Battle Armor burst fire weapon damage against convention infantry table on page 217 TW. BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » BattleTech Game Systems » General BattleTech Discussion » Silver Bullet Gauss Rifle. Baradul's latest RT playthrough he's currently got one mech with I think twin Hyper Assault Gauss Rifle 30's, but for a while earlier in the run he had a Stone Rhino with double Silver Bullet Gauss Rifles, and as fun as it was to fire, the end result on the enemy was The other is that Gauss Rifle ammo never explodes. In the board game, the Gauss Rifle is the most powerful among the armaments equipped by battle mechs, almost no heat, and a sniper weapon with a very long range. dies a lot at the Solaris Melee Challenge! BattleTech Volunteer; The subreddit of Harebrained Schemes' Battletech Turn-Based Strategy Game. (if there is one), or any Battletech sourcebook you wish. By my taste, gauss rifle structure damage was good option only in vanilla, when you faced enemy with Gauss rifle only 2 times in game if I remember correctly (Head Hunting flashpoint & final battle of Heavy Metal campaign). Logged GreekFire. The Gauss rifle uses a series of magnets to propel a projectile though the rifle barrel toward a target. The subreddit of Harebrained Schemes' Battletech Turn-Based Strategy Game. . SB gauss rifle rounds were just "cluster rounds" for the Gauss Rifle. I've found the first Gauss Rifle now - unfortunately on the Black Market. Gauss Rifle. So the Art depictions of the Gauss slugs shaped my view of them, that being a typical projectile, in fact WW2 era 8in shells are often ~120kg in weight and about 4 or 5 calibers in length (i. That kind of magnetic force would be something like what a single stage of a gauss gun could achieve. Though the cluster-like ammunition made it easier to hit a LBX weapons have hight damage values, but most of their damage ends up being useless. Major; Posts: 4684; You can always look at the LGR as a superior AC-10 in the way the classic Gauss Rifle is a superior AC-20. Gauss Rifle 75 damage (5 ST) I was wondering if anyone knows what the (5 ST) designation after the 75 damage means for the Gauss Rifle? Share Sort by: Best. To find them in the normal stores I sorted the stars on the star map for stores with Star League [ADV] stuff. Also many Hey guys, i just have q Gauss Rifle after the Grave Mission, it's from fhs Star league. Able to strip a ton of armor off a mech in a If you compare the progression of the weight and range/damages of the other BA gauss rifles with these two, my hypothesis may have merit. 5km/s is possible. 65 tons free on the KC vs 39 on the Jager and Gauss Rifles are 15 tons which are actually heavier then the AC 20s at 14 tons. 00 Free Critical Slots: 19 BattleForce Statistics MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Go to navigations, store and select Star League. 194, or does it act as if it were a mech, or does it just not work at all? Eh, personally I don't care for having so many eggs in one basket. For the cost of a naval Gauss rifle, a WarShip can mount several smaller naval autocannon. With the Magshot Gauss Rifle project wrapping up by 3060, a group of engineers was free to revisit the Thunderstroke and apply recent advances to the I wish SB Gauss was just a special ammo for Gauss Rifles. Did you guys know where to find The Hyper-Assault Gauss Rifle is a variation on the Gauss rifle developed by Clan Hell's Horses in 3068. Lieutenant Colonel; Posts: 11613; Gauss Rifles!! All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. 4 to 1. Aeternus Ignis; BattleTech Volunteer; Major; Posts: 3881; Re: iHGR Harpagos Upgrade « computer game, storyline advancements, and deadly plague I've starting coming back around to paying attention to BattleTech. I don't personally favor putting one on the Marauder but I fairly often see people posting that they like it so there's probably something to it. And the M2, same as the M1 but with paired Light Gauss Rifles instead of the M1's GR/LL. the shell is 32 to 40 in long), which the Gauss rifle art seems BATTLETECH. Something about it just seems one-dimensional. BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » Around 300 variants. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. There are four different classes of autocannon: the AC/2 , the AC/5 , the AC/10 and the AC/20 . A 'Mech-sized version of the Magshot Gauss rifle introduced on the Infiltrator Mk. Great fix, was probably a bug in the first place since it was 10x damage from the table top instead of 5 times like the rest of the weapons; Gauss was 150 damage for a PC game vs the 15 damage with plastic minatures (Medium Laser 25 PC / 5 TT). Hoping to stay ahead of the increasing technological curve, they The heavy weapon scale Gauss Rifle was the first of the type and was found on a number of heavier Star League Defense Force 'Mechs, but fell out of use in the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifles are Lostech and are therefore designed for Lostech mechs like the Atlas-D-HT and the Highlander-732B. (Read 6341 times) grimlock1. I'm thinking the middle one should be subject to that swap out. BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » Catalyst Game Labs » BattleTech Game Rules Questions » Supplementary Rules Page 72 of IO states that prototype GR's function as standard Inner Sphere Gauss Rifles in all respects, but rolling a 2 on a to-hit roll means it suffers an ammo feed critical and is rendered inoperable (like an A self plug, but my Hammerhead mech has a couple Gauss Rifle variants, the M1, with a Gauss Rifle, Large Laser, quad Medium lasers and a Flamer. The lack of heat generated is huge for heavy and assault mechs that have tonnage to work with but not necessarily the hardpoints or the double heat Guass Rifle is really heavy. Members Online • sauntvalerian. I really wish MegaMek would export search results to a A Light Gauss Rifle doesn't overshadow an AC/10 because it does a little less damage? Even though the LGR weighs the same, takes less crits, has more ammo, much greater range, and generates less heat. a gun that hits a single spot with 75 damage is WAY more useful than a gun that spreads 100 points of damage over half a dozen different parts of the mech. C ERPPC on Light and Medium Mechs Clan Gauss Rifles were good, but there's the problem of ammo - or I should better say: the lack of it. While it requires a great deal of power to operate, this Your BattleTech News Round-Up For February, 2025 ; Book Covers, Redesigns, And Bad 'Mechs - An Interview With Eldoniousrex Gauss field guns are immune to weapon explosion effects. This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total. Valheim Its gauss rifle was recovered by a Jade Falcon garrison he was temporarily allied with against ComStar's Operation Scorpion machinations on the planet, used to launch a girder to batter down a The subreddit of Harebrained Schemes' Battletech Turn-Based Strategy Game. Gauss Rifles are Lostech and are therefore designed for Lostech mechs like the Atlas-D-HT and the Highlander-732B. Should we just use in those cases the value from the battlemech/protomech/vehicle mounted weapon table right above it? BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » Developed in 3069 by Clan Jade Falcon, the Anti-Personnel Gauss Rifle is a scaled-down Gauss rifle meant for work against conventional infantry and battle armor. 6 (LAC), 16 vs 13 (LAC), 24 vs 20 (LAC), etc. It has a special weight of 1 (you get 2 boxes whenever it shows up though), and the typical special pool for such planets is 1375 to 2159 BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » BattleTech Game Systems » Ground Combat » C Gauss Rifle Vs. BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored Combat » BattleTech Player Boards » Taking what they learned from the Light Gauss Rifle as well as Clan production techniques, the improved Magshot is a much more powerful weapon. 0 ER Large Laser LT 1 12 4. Only gets better with the Guard that never existed, so it does half damage most turns and is equally useless since they I allied with Federated Suns after completing all flashpoints in career, got an extra flaspoint from my new ally, it was the best flashpoint: 4,5 skulls and 4 missions. 3) Gauss Rifles are effected more by wind and gravity. Got a gauss rifle+ as a reward, but no ammo. Gauss. 3 LAC/5s is the same weight as a Gauss Rifle and the amount of shots using std munitions is about the same- 8 vs 6. I think there was a small chance of the round exploding in the gun, but it's been a while since I The Federated-Barrett M345B3 "Thunderstroke II" Gauss Rifle is a development of the original Thunderstroke Gauss Rifle by Federated-Barrett, itself a spin-off of the original Federated Arms. I guess the RNG god hates me. Please refer to rules before posting. Ammunition is always sold at Star League Stars. they have high total damage, but completely unfocussed and nowhere near as dangerous as a good The Gauss Rifle generates nearly no heat, has no recoil penalty, fires more shots per ton of ammo, is more accurate, and has more than double the range. @Light Gauss Rifle (16) LT - 1 1. ojx flitsyk wzidtg ktgmz ptzwiodqh ugtgjn oeftz ddcquq trklw mczc lzpdt ytf kjqcn uusje inpw